Dr Alistair Baron
Senior LecturerResearch Overview
My primary research areas are Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Cyber Security, with a particular focus on developing solutions to the problems associated with the vast amounts of textual data in online settings; for example, deception and multiple personae detection techniques to assist in countering the use of fake profiles for nefarious purposes. The noisy characteristics of online texts, e.g. the abundance of irregular language and its multi-lingual nature, pose significant barriers to many NLP methods. A primary aim of my research is to build robust NLP tools which are able to cope with, and take advantage of, these features. Relatedly, I am interested in developing machine learning techniques and other technologies which assist users in making informed decisions, such as for forensic investigations, or for crisis management.
Career Details
Academic Qualifications:
Ph.D. Computer Science (糖心vlog会员, UK)
B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Science (糖心vlog会员, UK)
Lecturer, 糖心vlog会员, 2016 - present
Faculty Research Fellow, 糖心vlog会员, 2012 - 2016
Research Assistant, 糖心vlog会员, 2009 - 2012
Dr. Alistair Baron is a lecturer in the School of Computing and Communications. His research and teaching are in the area of Data Science and Cyber Security. He has previously held several research posts on a variety of projects in the areas of natural language processing (dealing with noisy unstructured text, content analysis, text classification and machine learning) and security (online child protection and the language of extremism). He was a Security 糖心vlog会员 Research Fellow, in which he conducted research involving using NLP techniques in a cyber-security setting, bringing cutting-edge NLP research into real-word security applications. His lectureship continues this research, primarily focused on developing solutions for problems associated with online communities (bulletin boards, forums), social networks (Facebook, Twitter) and instant messaging services (Skype, MSN), and developing techniques which assist users in making informed decisions, such as for forensic investigations, or for crisis management.
Current Teaching
Applied Data Mining (SCC.413)
My Role
Director of Studies (PGR), School of Computing and Communications
PhD Supervision Interests
Natural Language Processing, Authorship analysis, Spelling Variation
Selected Publications
Rashid, A., Baron, A., Rayson, P., May-Chahal, C., Greenwood, P., Walkerdine, J. 04/2013 In: Computer. 46, 4, p. 54-61. 8 p.
Journal article
Baron, A., Rayson, P., Greenwood, P., Walkerdine, J., Rashid, A. 2012 In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 17, 4, p. 443-481. 39 p.
Journal article
Tagg, C., Baron, A., Rayson, P. 2012 In: Lingvistic? Investigationes. 35, 2, p. 367-388. 22 p.
Journal article
Baron, A., Rayson, P., Archer, D. 2009 In: Anglistik. 20, 1, p. 41-67. 27 p.
Journal article
Rashid, A., Greenwood, P., Walkerdine, J., Baron, A., Rayson, P. 03/2012 In: Understanding and preventing online sexual exploitation of children. London : Willan p. 228-243.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Dearden, E., Baron, A. 7/04/2019
Conference paper
Piao, S.S., Dallachy, F., Baron, A., Demmen, J.E., Wattam, S., Durkin, P., McCracken, J., Rayson, P.E., Alexander, M. 11/2017 In: Computer Speech and Language. 46, p. 113-135. 23 p.
Journal article
Edwards, M., Larson, R., Green, B., Rashid, A., Baron, A. 08/2017 In: Computers and Security. 69, p. 18-34. 17 p.
Journal article
Knowles, W., Baron, A., McGarr, T. 09/2016 In: Computers and Security. 62, p. 296-316. 21 p.
Journal article
All Publications
23/11/2015 → 31/10/2018
21/07/2015 → 20/01/2019
01/10/2014 → 31/03/2018
01/01/2014 → 31/03/2015
01/10/2011 → …
Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition
Publication peer-review
Invited talk
Invited talk
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar
Invited talk
Invited talk
Invited talk
Publication peer-review
Invited talk
Publication peer-review
Publication peer-review
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Publication peer-review
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Publication peer-review
Invited talk
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Invited talk
Invited talk
Fellowship awarded competitively
- Cyber Security Research Centre (Data)
- DSI - Foundations
- SCC (Data Science)
- Security 糖心vlog会员
- Security 糖心vlog会员 (Academic Centre of Excellence)
- Security 糖心vlog会员 (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence)
- Security 糖心vlog会员 (Systems Security)
- UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language