Professor Hans Gellersen


Research Overview

My interest is in HCI, human interface technology, and the design of novel sensing and interaction techniques for anything from smart devices to AR/VR. I am particularly interested in eye movement and recently won an ERC Advanced Grant to investigate new foundations in for gaze and gestural interaction. Over the last ten years, my group has contributed major innovations on gaze in HCI, notably on smooth pursuit interfaces and techniques, gaze-supported manual input, and eye-head interaction. We have recently focussed on interaction in 3D but I maintain long-standing interests in ubiquitous computing, cross-device interaction and interfaces that blend the digital and the virtual. For an overview of my current research and team see .

Selected Publications

Sidenmark, L., Potts, D., Bapisch, B., Gellersen, H. 8/05/2021
Conference contribution/Paper

Sidenmark, L., Mardanbegi, D., Ramirez Gomez, A., Clarke, C., Gellersen, H. 2/06/2020
Conference contribution/Paper

Sidenmark, L., Clarke, C., Zhang, X., Phu, J., Gellersen, H. 23/04/2020
Conference contribution/Paper

Sidenmark, L., Gellersen, H. 17/12/2019 In: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 27, 1, 31 p.
Journal article

Ramirez Gomez, A., Gellersen, H. 4/05/2019
Conference contribution/Paper

Clarke, C., Gellersen, H.G. 22/10/2017
Conference contribution/Paper

Velloso, E., Carter, M., Newn, J., Abreu Esteves, A.E., Clarke, C., Gellersen, H.G. 22/07/2017 In: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 24, 3, 35 p.
Journal article

Abreu Esteves, A., Velloso, E., Bulling, A., Gellersen, H. 8/11/2015
Conference contribution/Paper

Pfeuffer, K., Alexander, J., Chong, M.K., Zhang, Y., Gellersen, H. 11/2015
Conference contribution/Paper

Vidal, M., Bismuth, R., Bulling, A., Gellersen, H. 04/2015
Conference contribution/Paper

Vidal, M., Bulling, A., Gellersen, H. 2013 In: UbiComp '13 The 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing . New York : ACM p. 439-448. 10 p. ISBN: 9781450317702.

01/10/2021 → 30/09/2026

01/10/2018 → 30/04/2021

01/09/2016 → 28/02/2020

31/03/2015 → 31/03/2019

01/06/2012 → 31/05/2013

01/01/2011 → 31/12/2014

01/10/2010 → 30/09/2012

01/05/2010 → 31/07/2013

29/03/2010 → 31/01/2012

01/07/2008 → 30/06/2010

01/01/1900 → …

  • SCC (Interactive Systems)