Dr James Ferrando

Reader in Collider Experimental Particle Physics

Selected Publications

The ATLAS collaboration, Alsolami, Z., Sampson, E. 31/07/2024 In: Physics Letters B. 854
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration 31/01/2024 In: Phys Lett Sect B Nucl Elem Part High-Energy Phys. 848
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Yexley, M. 15/02/2024 In: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 84, 2
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration 29/07/2021 In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 7, 44 p.
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration 25/11/2019 In: European Physical Journal C.
Journal article

Collaboration, A., Barton, A., Bertram, I., Borissov, G., Bouhova-Thacker, E., Fox, H., Henderson, R., Jones, R., Kartvelishvili, V., Long, R., Love, P., Muenstermann, D., Parker, A., Sanderswood, I., Smizanska, M., Tee, A., Walder, J., Wharton, A., Whitmore, B., Yexley, M., Ferrando, J. 1/11/2019 In: European Physical Journal D. 79, 11, 29 p.
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 9/07/2018 In: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 78, 7, 39 p.
Journal article

Englert, C., Ferrando, J.E., Nordstrom, K. 17/06/2017 In: Eur. Phys. J.. C, 77
Journal article

Barton, A.E., Beattie, M., Bertram, I.A., Borissov, G., Bouhova-Thacker, E.V., Dearnaley, W., Fox, H., Grimm, K.A.T., Henderson, R.C.W., Hughes, G., Jones, R.W.L., Kartvelishvili, V., Long, R.E., Love, P.A., Muenstermann, D.M.A., Parker, A.J., Skinner, M., Smizanska, M., Walder, J.W., Wharton, A., Ferrando, J., The ATLAS collaboration 23/02/2017 In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017, 2, 54 p.
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 8/08/2016 In: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 76, 8, 26 p.
Journal article

collaboration, T.T., Buckley, A., Englert, C., Ferrando, J., Miller, D.J., Moore, L., Russell, M., White, C.D. 4/04/2016 In: Journal of High Energy Physics.
Journal article

Buckley, A., Englert, C., Ferrando, J., Miller, D.J., Moore, L., Russell, M., White, C.D. 25/11/2015 In: Physical Review D. 92, 9
Journal article

Rojo, J., Accardi, A., Ball, R.D., Cooper-Sarkar, A., Roeck, A.D., Farry, S., Ferrando, J., Forte, S., Gao, J., Harland-Lang, L., Huston, J., Glazov, A., Gouzevitch, M., Gwenlan, C., Lipka, K., Lisovyi, M., Mangano, M., Nadolsky, P., Perrozzi, L., Pla?akyte, R., Radescu, V., Salam, G.P., Thorne, R. 16/09/2015 In: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 42, 10
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 28/08/2015 In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 8, 54 p.
Journal article

Buckley, A., Ferrando, J.E., Lloyd, S., Nordstrom, K., Page, B., Rüfenacht, M., Schoenherr, M., Watt, G. 20/03/2015 In: Eur. Phys. J.. C, 75
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 6/03/2015 In: Physical Review D. 91, 5, 34 p.
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Muenstermann, D., Ferrando, J. 29/10/2014 In: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 74, 10, 32 p.
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 23/07/2013 In: Physical Review D. 88, 1, 28 p.
Journal article

Gutierrez, N., Ferrando, J., Kar, D., Spannowsky, M. 14/10/2014 In: Physical Review D. 90, 7
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 07/2012 In: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 72, 7, 23 p.
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 09/2012 In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2012, 9, 45 p.
Journal article

Adelman, J., Ferrando, J., White, C.D. 15/02/2013 In: JHEP. 2013, 02
Journal article

The ATLAS collaboration, Ferrando, J. 23/04/2012 In: Physical Review D. 85, 7, 39 p.
Journal article

ZEUS Collaboration 18/11/2010 In: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 70, 4, p. 945-963. 19 p.
Journal article

Lohwasser, K., Ferrando, J., I?sever, ?. 21/09/2010 In: JHEP. 2010, 09, 18 p.
Journal article

The H1 and ZEUS collaborations 9/03/2010 In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2010, 3
Journal article

ZEUS Collaboration 5/04/2010 In: Phys Lett Sect B Nucl Elem Part High-Energy Phys. 687, 1, p. 16-25. 10 p.
Journal article

ZEUS Collaboration 11/07/2009 In: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 62, 4, p. 625-658. 34 p.
Journal article

ZEUS Collaboration 16/02/2009 In: Phys Lett Sect B Nucl Elem Part High-Energy Phys. 672, 2, p. 106-115. 10 p.
Journal article

ZEUS Collaboration 1/11/2007 In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 581, 3, p. 656-686. 31 p.
Journal article

Allfrey, P.D., Bell, M.A., Coppola, N., Devenish, R., Dhawan, S., Dunne, W., Ferrando, J., Gladkov, D., Hall-Wilton, R., Hayes, M., Jakob, H.P., Loizidies, J.H., Pellegrino, A., Polini, A., Roberfroid, V., Soares, M., Straub, P.B., Stifutkin, A., Sutton, M.R., Topp-J?rgenssen, S., West, B.J., Woolley, N.P., Youngman, C. 11/10/2007 In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 580, 3, p. 1257-1282. 26 p.
Journal article

Korcsak-Gorzo, K., Grzelak, G., Oliver, K., Dawson, M., Devenish, R., Ferrando, J., Matsushita, T., Shield, P., Walczak, R. 11/10/2007 In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 580, 3, p. 1227-1242. 16 p.
Journal article

01/01/1900 → …

Invited talk

Invited talk

Invited talk

  • Experimental Particle Physics