Professor Jessica Davies
Professor of SustainabilityResearch Overview
I am an engineer and environmental scientist interested in the role of land and soils in creating sustainable food, climate and water futures. I work across a wide range of settings: from forests and peatlands, arable lands and grazed grasslands, to urban landscapes, and employ a wide range of methods in my work: from quantitiative process-based modelling and geospatial analysis to qualitative expert elicitation and citizens juries.
As an engineer, I am focused on solutions, and in my role as Director of the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation I help bring together people across disciplines and sectors to work on solutions that benefit ecosystems, communities and economies. I also bring together academics and practitioners across sectors in my role as Principal Investigator for the QUENCH network, that aims to further our understanding of the links between the quality of the urben environment, and nature-connectedness and health and help manage these spaces for ecosystem and human health benefits.
I have deep expertise in environmental modelling, having collaboratively developed hydrological models and the , which aims to help us understand and predict how terrestrial ecosystems, carbon stores and nutrient cycles respond to climate change, land use change and multiple other human factors. I am keen to explore how we can borrow concepts and techniques from engineering and data sciences to advance these capabilities. Beyond the science, I am engaged in exploring how these models can be help us make sustainable decisions: can they help us make land management choices, manage risk, inform natural capital accounting or motivate investment in nature-based solutions?
I am passionate about raising awareness of the value of soils and the importance of food and agriculture for a sustainable future. If you would like to learn more, myself and my team have a number of accessible news stories and podcasts:
You can read more about my soils work and that of our team on our website.
Research Grants
Funded by NERC, 2022-2025
Led by Marc Stutter at James Hutton Institute this project brings together an international interdisicplinary team to explore the vital and climate sensitive interface between land and water - riparian zones. The work spans field, laboratory and modelling approaches in multiple catchments and involves scientists in Scotland (James Hutton Institute), England (糖心vlog会员), Sweden (SLU) and Germany (UFZ).
Funded by Innovate, 2023-2026
This project aims to develop a viable route map for progressing towards a net-zero meat product for selected case study farms that supply Lake District Farmers Ltd (LDF) and to highlight the use of livestock production in creating sustainable and regenerative environments. The project will establish a soil carbon baseline for selected case study farms, examine the carbon reduction potential within farms that includes soil carbon, and co-create a farm level accounting framework in which to understand the financial, and non-financial, impacts of moving towards net-zero.
Lake District Farmers is a high-end producer within the raw meat wholesale sector. The company works with over 50 hill and marginal farms in and around Cumbria. As a market-leading supplier and an existing farm supply chain already committed to quality and sustainability, Lake District Farmers is now seeking to create a net-zero meat product range, working with its supply chain of farmers.
QUENCH: A network linking the Quality of Urban Environments with Nature Connectedness and Health
Funded by NERC, 2021-2022
I am Principal Investigator of this network in collaboration with colleagues in 糖心vlog会员 Environment Centre, 糖心vlog会员 Medical School, and the University of Liverpool in Psychology and Geography. This network aims to connect researchers, practitioners and policymakers across disciplines and sectors to mobilise urban ecosystems to support nature-connectedness and health, while delivering environmental benefits.
Funded by Horizon 2020 (H2020-EU., H2020-EU., 2018-2022
I am a Work Package leader on this project coordinated by Wageningen Research, which aims to identify priorities and opportunities for adapting and boosting crop productivity, nutritional quality and sustainability. In our WP we will assess the economic, social and environmental implications of the crop and farming technologies on the horizon to help steer future research and action.
Funded by the Global Food Security Programme, BBSRC, ESRC, NERC and Scottish Government, 2019-2021
I was Principal Investigator of this 2.5 year research project working in collaboration with colleagues in the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business at 糖心vlog会员, the University of Liverpool and Cranfield University. This research focused on building an integrated evidence base on the potential of ruralisation in urban areas through greening and horticultural growing – or “rurbanisation” - as a transformative solution for a healthy, resilient and sustainable food system. It explored how rurbanisation influences:
- Health and wellbeing by changing access and consumption of fruit and vegetables and reducing stress,
- Food production in terms of quantity, quality and safety and the resilience of the UK food system, and
- Ecosystem service delivery inside and outside cities?
Funded by EPSRC Early Career Living With Environmental Change Fellowship, 2016-2021
This 5-year fellowship focused on advancing our understanding of soils as a critical infrastructure that supports our societies: providing us with food, filtering and buffering flows of water, and regulating the carbon cycle. We need to better understand the value of this infrastructure to society and its resilience to changing management and climate.
As part of this project, I was seconded to the to help build business engagement with soils, creating and finding new ways for companies to invest in this natural infrastructure that supports their business. As a result, I am lead editor of a that brought together over 20 global businesses, NGOs and IOs on the business case for investing in soils.
Funded by NERC as part of the Valuing Nature Programme, 2018
Soils are a key natural asset in agri-food supply chains. Yet their valuation is often overlooked as few ecosystems services flow directly from soils to goods, or human benefits. This considered what a natural capital approach to soil could offer businesses, existing approaches, and key gaps to implementing this in practice.
External Roles
Editorial advisory board member, Sustainability, CellPress Journal
Member of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council’s Sustainable Agriculture and Food Strategica Advisory Panel - 2024 to present Panel provides advise to the council onon the bioscience needed to deliver more productive, healthy, resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems.
Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Nutrient Management Expert Group member (2021-2023). The Nutrient Management Expert Group independently reviews and analyses existing policy, alongside up-to-date technical and scientific evidence on fertilisers and nutrient management. It considers the multiple challenges surrounding nutrient management and develops recommendations on the optimal policy approaches to minimise nitrogen-based and other pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser use. The Group engages with industry representatives and other key stakeholders to ensure its recommendations have practical merit.
Strategic Advisory Team member and Chair of the Early Career Forum for the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council’s Engineering Theme - 2018-2021 EPSRC’s strategic advisory teams advise the council on research and training strategy in different areas of their remit, paying attention to multidisciplinary opportunities. The Early Career Forum acts as a complementary informal stream of advice that reflects the early career engineering community.
Selected Publications
Davies, J. 16/03/2017 In: Nature. 543, 7645, p. 309-311. 3 p.
Journal article
Davies, J., Yumashev, D., Janes-Bassett, V., Redhead, J.W., Rowe, E.C., Davies, J. 15/11/2022 In: Environmental Research Letters. 17, 11, 12 p.
Journal article
All Publications
01/02/2024 → 01/06/2025
01/02/2024 → 30/09/2024
01/02/2024 → 01/06/2025
19/04/2023 → 18/07/2025
19/04/2023 → 18/07/2025
21/11/2022 → 31/03/2023
11/11/2022 → 31/03/2023
01/06/2022 → 30/11/2022
01/04/2022 → 30/09/2025
01/04/2022 → 31/03/2026
01/12/2021 → 31/03/2022
11/11/2021 → 31/03/2022
01/08/2021 → 31/03/2022
01/08/2021 → 31/03/2022
31/01/2020 → 16/09/2024
01/04/2019 → 31/03/2021
01/02/2019 → 31/07/2020
01/01/2019 → 31/12/2021
01/11/2018 → 30/04/2022
01/06/2016 → 31/05/2021
01/01/1900 → …
01/01/1900 → …
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
- Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science
- Improving global stewardship
- Soil Plant and Land Systems
- Sustainable Catchments
- Understanding a changing planet