Biological Science

The following modules are available to incoming Study Abroad students interested in Biological Science.

Alternatively you may return to the complete list of Study Abroad Subject Areas.

BIOL111: Molecules of Life

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

To begin with, this module will cover some basic chemistry concepts essential for your understanding of biological molecules, for example: atomic structure, different types of bonding, isomerism and pH. Following on from this introduction, we will look in detail at the different molecules essential for life, namely proteins, DNA, carbohydrates and lipids. The lectures will be supported by workshops and computer-based practical sessions which will re-enforce concepts learnt such as molecular structure.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course aims to introduce students to the nature and structure of the molecules which support life. It will discuss the principles of chemical bonding and the properties of water and consider lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids in structural and biological terms.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course aims to develop students' intellectual, communication, presentation, information technology, interpersonal, teamwork and self-management skills.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL112: Cell Structure and Function

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term only.  
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

This module will provide an introduction into cell biology. It will begin with prokaryotic cells, then an overview of eukaryotic cells before looking in detail at the plasma membrane, the endomembrane system, mitochondria, chloroplasts, the cytoskeleton, cell junctions and how cells are organised into tissues. The latter part of the module will cover the cell cycle, cell reproduction and cancer. The lecture material will be supported and reinforced by practical and workshop sessions.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module is an introduction to the structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The first five lectures of the course will examine the main components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and the way eukaryotic cells are organised into tissues. The techniques used to study cells will also be reviewed. The next two lectures will look in detail at the structure and function of mitochondria and chloroplasts and the chemiosmotic theory. This will be followed by a lecture on the way cells are organised into tissues. The final four lectures will cover reproduction in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and the eukaryotic cell cycle. The lectures are supplemented by two practical sessions, the first on light microscopic technique and tissue structure, and the second covering electron microscopy and organelle isolation. This course aims to contrast the common features which cells share with the diversity of function that they represent.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL113: Genetics

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 11-15 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

This module examines the way in which genetic information, encoded by the DNA of the cell, is replicated and passed on to each new generation of cells and whole individuals. The ways in which genes affect the characteristics of a cell or organism are explored at the molecular level. The fundamentals of these processes are very similar in all organisms but the unique features of eukaryotes and prokaryotes are highlighted. We will examine the consequences of mutation and look at some examples of diseases and conditions caused by defective genes and alterations in chromosome number or structure. You will also be introduced to bioinformatics. The lectures covering these topics will be supported by a series of workshops including genetics problems and basic bioinformatics techniques.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course aims to provide an understanding, at a basic level, of the mechanism of heredity. To illustrate, at both the molecular level and the level of the whole organism, how genes are replicated, expressed and transmitted from one generation to the next. To give examples of human genetic diseases, their causes, diagnosis and treatment. To provide an introduction to basic bioinformatics.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL114: Biotechnology

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 16-20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

Biotechnology is one of the fastest moving fields in the biosciences. Genetic engineering techniques have allowed the manipulation of microorganisms, plants and animals to produce commercially important compounds, or to have improved characteristics. This module examines the techniques that are used in genetic manipulation and looks at examples of how the technology has been applied. The practical outcomes of genome sequencing projects and the way in which knowledge of the human genome can be applied to medicine and forensics are also considered. Practical classes and workshops allow students to perform some of the key techniques for themselves.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course aims to provide an understanding, at a basic level, of the diverse ways in which the biological processes of plants, microbes and animals can be manipulated for benefit, and to demonstrate how biotechnology influences our everyday lives.

Assessment Proportions

  • Exam: 40%
  • Coursework: 30%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL115: Protein Biochemistry

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 21-25 of Summer Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

Lectures will begin with an overview of the function of various proteins (e.g. albumin, calmodulin, myoglobin and haemoglobin) and we will examine how aspects of molecular structure facilitate the normal physiological role of the proteins. Next, the focus will shift to enzymes with some initial background on basic concepts (e.g. how enzymes catalyse reactions) and enzyme terminology. The active site of enzymes will be discussed with particular emphasis on chemical inhibitors, which leads naturally on to enzyme kinetics and how we can use this concept to identify different modes of enzyme inhibition. Finally, we will examine how the activities of enzymes are regulated at the molecular level. The lectures will be supported by a series of practical and workshop sessions that reinforce concepts introduced in the lectures, covering topics such as enzyme kinetics and protein structure modelling.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The purpose of this module is to expand upon the introduction to proteins given in the first year Molecules of Life module. Our approach is to use specific examples to demonstrate different aspects of protein structure, and to illustrate the way that the different properties of individual amino acids contribute to the function of the proteins they makeup. The course is split into two linked themes. Firstly, an introduction to the major structural features of proteins is given, with an emphasis on how protein structure relates to function. This relationship is then used to describe protein drug interactions that affect bioavailability. Secondly, an introduction to enzyme biochemistry is presented. We consider how enzymes catalyse biochemical reactions, how their activities can be described quantitatively, and how enzymes are regulated within the cell. This framework is then discussed in a medical context, describing how enzyme inhibitors can be used clinically in cancer therapy and analgesia.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

In this module students will have the opportunity to develop skills including experimental design, data analysis, critical thinking, communication and presentation of data, and use of digital technologies to analyse, interpret and present data.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL121: Impact of Microbes

  • Terms Taught: This course runs Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

The lectures will define microbiology and introduce the main microbe types. You will cover bacteria with a focus on cell structure and function, growth, diversity and classification. Bacterial pathogenicity and how bacteria cause disease will be presented. Protists will also be introduced with a focus on diversity and their ecological role. You will be introduced to mycology, covering how fungi cause disease and how they are used in the biotechnological industries and in the food and drink industry. Finally, viruses will be defined covering their diversity, classification and impact on human and animal health. The practicals and workshops will provide first hand experience of aseptic techniques and safe handling of microbes whilst introducing you to the organisms covered in the lectures.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the diversity of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protists and their interactions with humans and life on earth. The course will begin by introducing the history of microbiology. It will then describe the viruses, focussing on human pathogens. Prokaryotes comprising archaea and bacteria will be discussed and the method of classification will be introduced. Methods for identifying and counting bacteria will be described. The final part of the course will move on to describe the eukaryotic microbes; protists and fungi and their beneficial and detrimental roles. The practical sessions will enhance the students understanding of the lecture material and will provide the student with skills of safe laboratory practice and key microbiology skills in aseptic technique, microbe cultivation and microscopy. There will be a data analysis exercise using a dataset on protist feeding activity.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this course is to provide students with a broad understanding of the diversity of viruses, prokaryotes, fungi and protists and how they impact on life on earth. The practical element will help to develop the organisational and time management skills of the student. There will also be an opportunity to develop skills in biological data analysis.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL122: Anatomy and Tissue Structure

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

Lectures will initially outline general principles in tissue structure and anatomy, highlighting the importance of tissue and organ structure-function relationships. Later lectures address individual systems in detail, examine their inter-relationships and their homeostatic regulation. Workshops and practical sessions focus on developing scientific communication and practical skills while consolidating key concepts outlined in the lecture material.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic anatomy and systems of the human body. The course will begin by looking at body systems and tissue structure and function. Individual lectures will focus on the urinary system, the integumentary system, bone, skeletal muscle, the liver, blood, the eye and the ear. In conjunction with the first year Human Physiology module the course will provide students with a basic grounding in human anatomy and physiology.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course aims to develop students' intellectual, practical, analytical, data interpretation, information technology and self-management skills.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL123: Infection and Immunity

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 11-15 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

The first lecture provides context to the module by highlighting the significant impact that infectious diseases have on human health. Subsequent lectures introduce the host immune response and then examine in detail the biology of various pathogenic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, protozoa and worms (helminths), the diseases they cause and the role of chemotherapy and vaccination in providing protection from infectious diseases. Workshops and practicals illustrate principles of the host/pathogen interaction and explore in detail the biology of pathogens studied in the module.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this course is to provide students with a broad understanding of the molecular and cellular interactions between infectious organisms and the host immune system. Selected infections will be studied in detail and used as paradigms to illustrate principles of the host/pathogen interaction.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of courses and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised and topical. It also aims to equip students with practical skills appropriate to the subject, and to develop data collection, analytical and interpretative skills.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL124: Hormones and Development

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 16-20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

This course provides you with an introduction to cell signalling and hormonal control of reproduction. We start the lectures with a basic overview of the different types of signalling and the molecules involved before moving on to the mammalian endocrine system and its regulation. You will learn about the very early stages of embryogenesis and development from a fertilised egg to a multicellular embryo and gain insight into the stages of human pregnancy from both the foetus’ and mother's perspective. Regular workshop and practical sessions support and develop knowledge taught in lectures.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the mechanisms cells use to communicate with each other using hormones and extracellular mediators. This will then be developed further to show how communication is vital for the co-ordination of development. Human pregnancy, development and fertility are examined from a biomedical viewpoint.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL125: Human Physiology

  • Terms Taught: This module runs in Weeks 21-25 of Summer Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

This module on ‘Human Physiology’ explains how the body works, focussing on the brain and nervous system, the heart and blood circulatory system, the lungs and exchange/transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and finishes on a ‘trip’ through the human digestive system. There is some emphasis on how these systems are regulated, and some limited information on selected diseases. Workshops and practical sessions develop and expand on some of the main themes taught in the lectures. Other aspects of physiology are taught in some of our other modules.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the essential elements of human physiology focusing on nervous, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL131: Biomedical Science in Practice

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

This course aims to introduce Biomedical Science students to laboratory-based investigations of human health and disease. Students will develop an understanding of how common diseases such as cancer, chronic heart disease and diabetes develop. They will also be introduced to up-to-date methodologies of laboratory practice and diagnosis.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course aims to introduce Biomedical Science students to laboratory-based investigations of human health and disease, focussing upon cellular pathology, epidemiology, medical microbiology, clinical biochemistry and haematology. Students will develop an understanding of how common diseases such as cancer, chronic heart disease and diabetes mellitus develop. They will be introduced to up-to-date methodologies of laboratory practice, diagnosis and monitoring. Finally, hospital-acquired infections will be discussed focusing on causes, prevention and current practices aimed at reducing these infections.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

On completion of this module student should have developed: Intellectual, practical, professional, analytical, data interpretation and problem-solving skills. Safe working practice in the laboratory. Interpersonal and teamworking skills.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL133: Introduction to Epidemiology

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 11-15 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: None

Course Description

Epidemiology is the study of patterns of health and disease in populations. It helps to identify risk factors for disease and optimal approaches for prevention and containment. This introductory module will begin providing students with the main epidemiological concepts, such as the definition of epidemiology, disease transmission routes and epidemics. Since epidemiology describes the patterns, risks and distribution of the diseases, first an overview of the main epidemiological study designs will be provided, followed by the description and application of the statistics applied to measure disease frequency, vital statistics, risks and causation and associations. The final part of the module focuses on disease factors, ageing, and disease mapping, control and prevention. A combination of teaching and learning methods are employed. The workshops following the lecture will promote individual and group experience in performing numerical and statistical calculations in order to visualize and describe epidemiological data.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

You will gain a basic understanding of some of the key concepts and debates within epidemiology. A capacity to select and apply basic methodological approaches used to measure health, illness and disease in human populations. Capacity to describe different disease system. The ability to recognise spatial (geographical) epidemiological processes. The ability to discuss the societal, demographic and behavioural factors involved in health. A broad understanding of the effects of environment and climate changes on health. Capacity to identify broad public health measures in managerial epidemiology.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

You will gain the ability to critically evaluate techniques and approaches in health science and in mapping patterns of health and disease. The ability to write reports concisely and effectively. Team-working skills and presentation skills. Experience in performing numerical and statistical calculations. The ability to summarise information from different sources in a coherent manner.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL134: Biomedicine and Society

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 16-20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: None

Course Description

This module focusses on exploring where biomedicine sits within society, with a focus on ethical issues in relation to physical and mental health. We will begin with an introduction to biomedicine in society, exploring the history of biomedicine along with political and ethical issues. Later lectures will cover the history, legislation and ethical debates associated with animal experimentation and clinical trials; health literacy and the expert patient, including input from an expert patient with lived experience of mental health difficulties; and finally an introduction to the history, ethical debates and media influence associated with mental health in society. Voting software will be used throughout lectures to allow interactive participation in topical discussions. Each lecture will be followed by a preparatory workshop and presentation seminar in which you will get the opportunity to present or debate on topics associated with the lecture given. For example: Should animals be used to test drugs for erectile dysfunction e.g. Viagra (Presentation); Taking part in a phase I clinical trial as a healthy volunteer is unethical (Debate); Does a parent have the right to decide whether their child should have the MMR vaccine (Presentation)?

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This aims to equip students with:

A broad understanding of some key concepts and ethical debates in the public perception of biomedicine.

Skills to critically evaluate the place of biomedicine in a cultural and social context.

An awareness of how professional and public debate informs research ethics and research agendas in biomedicine.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This aims to equip students to:

Critically evaluate the role of different academic disciplines to inform debates in scientific theory and practice.

Reflect on and interpret information from different public and professional sources.

Work in a team.

Present ideas coherently, concisely and effectively in both written and oral forms.

Develop debating skills in an academic arena.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL135: Diagnosis in Biomedical Science

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 21-25 of the Summer Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: None.

Course Description

“Diagnosis in Biomedicine” gives you an overview of the types of medical investigations used to aid patient diagnosis. In lectures, you will learn about common diagnostic methods used in investigations of immune, gastrointestinal and endocrine conditions and then have the opportunity to apply this knowledge during workshop sessions to interpret and diagnose case studies. Following on from this you will be given an introduction to chemical toxicology and learn about blood coagulation and the tests used to investigate inappropriate coagulation and we’ll explore the biochemical investigation of kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. Regular workshop and practical sessions support and develop knowledge taught in lectures.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

To investigate a range of human disorders and disease processes, with emphasis upon diagnosis and monitoring. To be able to describe the principles and applications of some routine methods used in clinical biochemistry, haematology, clinical immunology, medical microbiology and clinical genetics.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

On completion of this module, students should be able: Analyse and interpret data. Use safe working practice in the laboratory. Communicate scientific information.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL143: Experimental Design and Data Analysis

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in weeks 11-20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: High school biology and chemistry.

Course Description

Being able to understand, describe and present data in clear ways is fundamental not only to the practice of science but also to many other areas of work. This module deals with data types, measurements and sources of variability/error, principles of experimental design, aspects of presentation, numerical summaries, sampling and confidence, and statistical analysis for decision making using continuous and categorical data, and regression/correlation. This is done through lectures and guided workshops. Workshops will cover manipulating and examining data (including MSExcel), introduction to statistics software (SPSS), summarising and presenting data, data analysis and presentation, finding and using data to answer questions, critically examining published work.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to enable students to: Understand the necessity for, and contingencies affecting, good experimental design. Handle, present, analyse and report data in a systematic way for scientific purposes. Make sense of much data representation and statistical reporting in biomedical research literature, and critically evaluate some. Understand more deeply the way much of science progresses.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module is an introduction to biostatistics and experimental design. Considerable effort is made to impart understanding of the meaning of statistical concepts and measures, as well as the principles and practice of good reporting of statistical and other quantitative data. There is an emphasis on the effective use of IT resources.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 30%
  • Exam: 40%
  • Test: 30%

BIOL201: Biochemistry

  • Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only, weeks 1-10.
  • US Credits: 5 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 10 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

This module aims to introduce concepts of cellular biochemistry by examining macromolecular structure and the relationship of cellular organisation to the central pathways of intermediary metabolism and the physical processes underlying cellular functions. Specifically, this module will initially focus on two related and key areas of biochemistry. The first is enzymology; how do proteins function as biological catalysts and how are chemical reactions controlled within a cell? The second is metabolism; how do organisms obtain energy from their surroundings and maintain their complex order - the major distinguishing feature of life. The course will investigate how the many chemical reactions which participate in metabolism are accurately regulated and organised. The concepts and areas of biochemistry covered in the course will be further illustrated by reference to the pathological state and human diseases which result from specific malfunctions in biochemical pathways and reactions. The lectures are supported by a range of practicals and workshops (covering mitochondrial function, ATP synthesis, bioenergetics, enzymological analyses and carbohydrate metabolism), aimed at reinforcing and demonstrating first-hand learning objectives of the lectures. The practicals and workshop will enable practice of scientific data acquisition, analysis, presentation and interpretation; all essential skills in biochemistry.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The general aim of the course is to introduce the concepts of cellular biochemistry by examining macromolecular structure and the relationship of cellular organisation to the central pathways of intermediary metabolism and the physical processes underlying cellular functions. Specifically, this module will initially focus on two related and key areas of biochemistry. The first is enzymology; how do proteins function as biological catalysts and how are chemical reactions controlled within a cell? The second is metabolism; particularly, how do organisms obtain energy from their surroundings to maintain their complex order? This is the major distinguishing feature of life. The course will investigate how the many chemical reactions which participate in metabolism are accurately regulated and organised. The concepts and areas of biochemistry covered in the course will be further illustrated by reference to the pathological state and human diseases which result from specific malfunctions in biochemical pathways and reactions.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The student will gain a variety of transferable skills essential for the effective communication of science. These transferable skills will be developed through the varied assessments within the taught elements of the programme. The range of transferable skills that students are expected to gain includes: IT literacy in mainstream word-processing, analysis and presentation software.Presenting information effectively in both graphical and tabular formats using both electronic and hardcopy media. Numeracy and analytical skills, particularly with respect to understanding and communicating scientific data and concepts.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL211: Cell Biology

  • Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only, weeks 1-10.
  • US Credits: 5 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 10 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

The overarching aim of the module is to introduce the interactions that occur within and between cells which allow them to perform their function in the whole organism. The course will initially explore the methods used to study cells and an examination of the dynamic nature of the cytoskeleton. It will then consider the proteins that catalyse the transport of solutes across biological membranes, investigating both the molecular mechanisms and physiological significance of transmembrane transport in a variety of biological systems. This will lead into an examination of the molecular mechanisms involved in cells receiving and acting upon extracellular information. Such processing of extracellular information leads to many outcomes depending on the cell types involved, e.g. alterations in metabolic activity, visual perception, regulation of the cell cycle and growth, and development. The module will also examine cellular dynamics, i.e. how cells maintain and alter their shape and the processes involved in the movement of cells, and the mechanisms of development of whole organisms, examining how individual cells become committed to a particular function as development occurs. The lectures are supported by a range of practicals and workshops (covering immunocytochemical staining, ion channels and cell signalling, receptor pharmacology), aimed at reinforcing and demonstrating first-hand learning objectives of the lectures. The practicals and workshop will enable practice of scientific data acquisition, analysis presentation and interpretation; all essential skills in cell biology.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module will cover the interactions within and between cells which allow them to perform their function in the whole organism. The course starts with methods used to study cells and examination of the dynamic nature of the cytoskeleton. It then examines the proteins that catalyse the transport of solutes across biological membranes, investigating both the molecular mechanisms and physiological significance of transmembrane transport in a variety of biological systems. Also examined are the molecular mechanisms involved in cells receiving and acting upon extracellular information. Such processing of extracellular information leads to many outcomes depending on the cell types involved, e.g. alterations in metabolic activity, visual perception, regulation of the cell cycle and growth, development and death. The module will also examine cellular dynamics, i.e. how cells maintain and alter their shape and the processes involved in the movement of cells, and the mechanisms of development of whole organisms, examining how individual cells become committed to a particular function as development occurs.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The student will gain a variety of transferable skills essential for the effective communication of science. These transferable skills will be developed through the varied assessments within the taught elements of the programme. The range of transferable skills that students are expected to gain includes: IT literacy in mainstream word-processing, analysis and presentation software. Presenting information effectively in both graphical and tabular formats using both electronic and hardcopy media. Numeracy and analytical skills, particularly with respect to understanding and communicating scientific data and concepts.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL243: Medical Microbiology

  • Terms Taught: Lent Term only, weeks 11-20.
  • US Credits: 5 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 10 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

This module examines the relationship between microbes and their host; with particular focus on bacterial, viral and protozoan pathogens. It begins with an examination of the structure and metabolism of bacteria, their virulence factors and how these are controlled by biofilm formation and quorum sensing. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance are reviewed together with the search for new antimicrobials. Morphology and reproductive strategies of viruses and protozoa are also?examined and methods for controlling their infections by vaccination are described. The laboratory classes focus on diagnostic processes and illustrate the contribution which the microbiology laboratory can make to clinical decision making and epidemiology. Practicals are led by biomedical scientists from the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust and these scientists also address epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment of infection and host immune defences. The theme is one of "emergence" illustrating how some new infections have come to be a problem in health care and the importance of protective commensal microbes.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course examines the relationship between microbe and host; with particular focus on bacterial, viral and parasitic pathogens and the body's immune defences. The diversity of structure, function and metabolism of bacteria, in relation to their role as a cause of disease, is explored and practical skills in bacteriology are introduced. Morphology and reproductive strategies of viruses are examined and methods for controlling viral infections by vaccination or anti-viral therapies are described. Morphology and reproductive strategies of parasites are examined and methods for detecting and controlling parasitic infections are described. The course introduces principles of clinical microbiology by focusing on epidemiology and diagnosis of infection and treatment of patients with infection. The theme is one of "emergence" illustrating how some new infections have come to be a problem in health care. The practicals focus on the diagnostic process and illustrate the contribution which the microbiology laboratory can make to clinical decision making and epidemiology. This course also deals with the way in which pathogens (mainly bacteria) survive, and sometimes grow, in the environment and the implications this has for health in the community. The course is given in collaboration biomedical scientists from the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to equip students with analytical and data presentation skills. Students will develop their critical analysis and essay writing skills as well as providing students with career information and employability skills. Students will acquire hands-on laboratory skills in a series of practicals designed and delivered by NHS Biomedical Scientists.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL253: Genetics

  • Terms Taught: Lent Term only, weeks 11-20.
  • US Credits: 5 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 10 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

This module builds on first year modules in Genetics and Biotechnology and focuses on developing a detailed understanding of the molecular principles of genome function. The module includes both a theoretical and practical introduction to bacterial genetics, with a focus on how use of bacteria as a model organism has been pivotal in understanding genome function. Throughout the module similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome function is highlighted. The module begins by reviewing the structure of DNA and the organisation of DNA into chromosomes and then focuses on the enzymes and processes that orchestrate DNA replication to ensure that daughter cells receive an exact copy of the parent cell’s DNA. The focus on maintaining genome integrity continues with a review of how damage to DNA may lead to harmful mutations, and how this is prevented by cellular DNA repair pathways. The module continues by examining in detail the mechanisms by which information encoded in DNA flows through transcription to RNA and through translation of RNA to protein, focusing on the mechanisms used to control gene expression. Aspects of eukaryotic genome function are consolidated for students from their own investigations focused on a specific human genetic disease, and detailed information about a range of diseases shared to exemplify the diversity of gene organisation and function. Finally the importance of preventing mutations is exemplified by reviewing how mutations in key genes in somatic tissues drives cancer development. Material covered in BIOL253 is built on in third year BIOL311 Genetics and BIOL312 Medical Genetics modules.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this course is to examine the mechanisms of heredity, with emphasis on molecular genetics. The module focuses on fundamental processes including DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination, transcription and translation which underpin transmission and expression of genetic information. Further the module aims to emphasise the importance of these fundamental processes by investigating a range of human single gene disorders and reviewing the genetic basis of cancer. The module builds on material taught in part I and the sections on gene expression, and human disease introduce material that is developed further in the third year Genetics and Medical Genetics modules.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module provides the opportunity for students work individually, with a partner and in a group to develop a range of practical and transferable skills. Students will have opportunities to develop their oral communication and observation skills particularly in practical sessions and will have an opportunity to contribute to a group discussion reviewing a range of genetic disorders. Students will be expected to develop analytical, problem-solving and report writing skills (including data presentation) during the course of the module.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL271: Biochemical Techniques

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 3 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

This skills module is designed to provide students with a comprehensive working knowledge of the principals, skills and experimental techniques required to purify proteins from biological sources (cells or tissue). The course will initially examine how to extract proteins from cells/tissue and the considerations that need to be made when preparing protein samples for the purification of an individual target protein. Next, purification techniques themselves will be discussed with a brief look at salt precipitation, centrifugal filtration and dialysis before protein chromatography is covered in detail. Different ways of monitoring protein purity (protein and enzyme assays) will be explained before we examine how we can use electrophoresis and related methodologies to monitor the success of a protein purification experimental strategy. The techniques taught in the lectures are reinforced by students performing some of them in the laboratory the same week. The practical series is interconnected such that, collectively, they form an entire protein purification strategy.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this module is to provide a grounding in core techniques in protein purification. Through lectures and laboratory classes students will gain understanding and experience of a variety of commonly used biochemical methods employed in protein purification. The practicals are linked and require the students to purify one of several proteins from a starting mixture on the basis of their biochemical properties. The four core topics are (i) Introduction to protein purification and bulk preliminary purification techniques, (ii) Chromatography techniques for protein purification, (iii) Protein and enzyme assay techniques, (iv) Gel electrophoresis and associated techniques.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

Students will be taught a variety of commonly used biochemical methods employed in protein purification. Such methods include extraction methodologies, differential centrifugation, ammonium sulphate precipitation, dialysis, protein assays, spectrophotometric methods, chromatography (size-exclusion, ion-exchange, hydrophobic), SDS-PAGE, western blotting and isoelectric focussing.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 60%
  • Test: 40%

BIOL272: Cell Biology Techniques

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term only. 
  • US Credits: 3 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

This skills module introduced students to the principals, skills and experimental techniques required to perform cell and tissue culture assays. The course will initially explore the historical techniques developed to isolate and culture primary cell lines and derive stable cell lines - including the growth requirements of different cell types and the development of standardised growth conditions. It will then explore advanced methods of assaying viability, adhesion and proliferation both with lecture and practical based content. This will lead into a comprehensive exploration of imaging techniques in cell biology including fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy. Flow cytometric approaches to assay cell cycle status, apoptosis, receptor abundance and signalling events will also be explored. The lectures are supported by a range of practical content and a final workshop that complement the lecture material and provide practical experience of quantitative cell biology assays and imaging. The course content is designed to give practical experience of scientific data acquisition, analysis, presentation and interpretation - focusing on the preparation and use of scientific figures.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The module will provide students with subject specific knowledge, understanding and skills in the theory and practice of cell biology. This will be based around generic techniques such as bio-imaging and FACS analysis used in cell biology laboratories for the investigation of cellular function. It will begin by addressing how cells are extracted from tissues and maintained in culture or transformed in cell lines. It will then cover standard end points of cell biology assays including survival and proliferation, adhesion and migration, cell cycle status and location of proteins within cells.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This techniques based module will provide students with the opportunity to increase their laboratory based practical skills through the practical elements of the course and increase their understanding of how cell biological research is carried out. The laboratory work will develop their organisational and record keeping skills whilst the write up of the practical will allow students to demonstrate their ability to analyse and interpret their data and communicate their results in an effective manner.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 60%
  • Test: 40%

BIOL273: DNA Technology

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 11-15 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 3 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

The differential and temporal expression of the genetic code underpins life as we know it and defines specific phenotypic parameters. Consequently, the ability to understand and modify gene expression is a powerful tool for the manipulation of living systems. Furthermore, the ability to manipulate the genetic code has provided a plethora of “designer proteins” which have a huge impact on our everyday lives. Such proteins are key to the success of many industrial products ranging from detergent performance to the enhancement of drug efficacy. Technological advances in this area have been phenomenal over the last two decades. The module will introduce you to the theory underpinning molecular techniques such as site directed mutagenesis, gene expression profiling and genome editing. Lecture material will be supported by practicals based on methodologies taken from primary literature.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to extend the knowledge of gene and genome manipulation and analysis introduced in first year. It reviews use of model organisms, molecular basis of traditional and high throughput DNA sequencing, analysis of gene expression, recombination and nuclease based approaches to gene and genome modification and methodology for investigating intramolecular interactions.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to provide students with experience of analysing data sets and reporting the results of laboratory and computer-based investigations.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 60%
  • Test: 40%

BIOL274: Microbiological Techniques

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 16-20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 3 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

This module introduces students to a variety of techniques commonly used in a microbiology laboratory. Practical classes concentrate on the culturing side of bacteriology in order to assess the level of bacterial contamination in a bathroom and explore the use of bacteria to assess the effectiveness of disinfectants and antibiotics, in addition to their use in BioArt. Lectures introduce students to on-culturable techniques which principally use fluorescence. They cover direct and viable counts, and how bacteria can be transformed to express a fluorescent protein so they can be monitored in situ. All experiments are carried out individually (not in pairs) in order to help increase confidence in handling microbial samples.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

To develop a student’s ability to safely handle microbiological samples, via a series of lectures on their potential pathogenicity and a range of practical exercises using aseptic techniques. To enhance the student’s general microbiological skills by repeating certain techniques throughout the practical exercises. For example, the student will routinely make bacterial suspensions, perform 10-fold dilutions, inoculate agar plates and dispose of waste correctly. Practical exercises, to enhance further knowledge, understanding and skills, include, (i) isolation of bacteria from their toothbrush, plaque, sink surface and tap water using a range of differential and selective media, and subsequent comparison of the proportions of each microbial group in the four environments, (ii) the purification of bacterial colonies [from [i]), their screening for the production of signal molecules using a bio-reporter, the identification of any signalling bacteria using biochemical tests and, (iii) the susceptibility of isolated bacteria (from [i]) to antibiotics and common disinfectants using standard EU tests. The student will also learn how bacteria can be genetically engineered to bioluminesce and how these fluorescent cells are being used in microbiological studies; though no practical experience of this will be provided.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

To develop a student’s confidence, and time management, as a solitary worker in a laboratory setting and instil an appreciation for the use of appropriate health and safety procedures. To familiarise the student with everyday maths used in laboratory experiments as well as how to deal with a large data set generated by the whole class. To help improve the student’s level of critical thinking, word processing and citation skills by the submission of a scientific paper describing the conclusions of the class study.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 40%
  • Practical: 20%
  • Test: 40%

BIOL275: Bioinformatics

  • Terms Taught: This course runs in Weeks 1-10 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 3 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Previous study of genetics at degree level.

Course Description

This is a bioinformatics bootcamp. Within 10 weeks you will go from being a complete beginner to proficiency in most of the major bioinformatics techniques that can be carried out on a Windows PC or over the internet. You will learn how to compare DNA sequences and protein sequences, construct phylogenetic trees and predict protein structure. A fully illustrated manual is provided, along with training videos, so you can revise whenever and wherever you like.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to extend the knowledge of bioinformatics introduced in the first year genetics module. It covers the essential bioinformatic methods required for the modern biologist and provides hands-on practical instruction. The students will acquire a set of skills that will be of use to them throughout their careers as biologists, regardless of their field of specialization. As well as the practical skill component, the underlying theoretical principles will be covered.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module will provide students with experience of analysing computerised data sets and reporting the results of laboratory and computer-based investigations.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 60%
  • Test: 40%

BIOL301: Cell Signalling

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and must have taken a module on cell biology.

Course Description

In this module we will explore how cells sense and respond to signals that they receive, and how that information is transmitted within the cell at the molecular level. The module will quickly revise the basic principles of signal transduction, building on the content of BIOL211, and then investigate some important signalling pathways in molecular detail such as those activated in response to insulin, TGF beta and IL-3. Workshops will be used to focus on particular aspects of these pathways and their roles in disease. The practical will enable the further development of your practical and analytical skills.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module builds on the concepts of cell signalling discussed during BIOL211 Cell Biology Module. We will recap the basic principles of signal transduction and then examine exemplar signalling pathways in depth, such as those activated in response to insulin, TGF beta, and IL-3. The workshops will focus on particular aspects of these pathways, and also look at the role of selectins in matastasis. The laboratory practical will enable the further development of practical skills including accurate preparation of cell samples for flow cytometry and microscopy.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

Students will develop a deeper appreciation of how different analytical methods can be combined to provide information about complex cellular pathways. Students will develop their ability to critically evaluate primary scientific literature.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL302: Cell Signalling, Transport and Disease

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and must have taken a module on cell biology.

Course Description

The overarching aim of the module is to examine some of the key roles played by ion channels and calcium ions in intra- and inter-cellular cell signalling pathways. The module will initially focus on the diversity of ion channel families and their contribution to a wide array of key biological functions including the many different cellular processes throughout the life history of cells that are regulated by calcium signalling. Specifically, the diverse physiological roles that ion channels and calcium signalling play in animals, and human physiology in particular, will be considered. The importance of ion channels and calcium signalling in human physiology will be highlighted by investigating a range of diseases that are caused when ion channels malfunction (e.g. myotonia, malignant hyperthermia, sudden heart arrest caused by long QT syndrome) or by perturbations of calcium signalling (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, polycystic kidney disease, pancreatitis). The lectures are supported by a range of practicals and workshops addressing the techniques used to study ion channel activity and calcium signalling. The practicals and workshop will provide practice in the skills required for analysing and interpreting data obtained using these techniques.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module will examine the key role played by ion channels and calcium ions in intracellular cell signalling pathways. The lectures will focus on the diversity of ion channel families and their contribution to a wide array of key biological functions including the many different cellular processes throughout the life history of cells that are regulated by calcium signalling. Students will gain an appreciation of the diverse physiological roles that ion channels and calcium signalling play in animals, and human physiology in particular, focussing on our five key senses (i.e. olfaction, sight, touch, taste and hearing). The importance of ion channels and calcium signalling in human physiology will be further highlighted by investigating a range of diseases that are caused when ion channels malfunction (e.g. cystic fibrosis, myotonia, malignant hyperthermia, sudden heart arrest caused by long QT syndrome, diabetes) or by perturbations of calcium signalling (e.g. cancer and cardiac hypertrophy). The techniques used to study ion channel activity and calcium signalling will be examined allowing students to gain hands-on experience of analysing ion channel activity using real data and providing students with the tools necessary for them to interpret the literature published on these topics.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL303: Cell Cycle and Stem Cells

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 1-5 of Lent Term Only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
  • ECTS Credits: 8 ECTS Credits.
  • Pre-requisites: Must have completed coursework equivalent to BIOL253

Course Description

This course aims to illustrate the mechanisms by which cells become terminally differentiated to perform specialised functions and how this process depends on coordinated regulation of the cell cycle, gene expression and apoptosis. Its role in the regulation of embryonic and adult stem cells will be covered along with how progenitor and terminally differentiated cells are produced. The course will look at the various stem cell technologies, including established and developing technologies to exploit embryonic, adult and induced pluripotent stem cells. The ethics of the use of different stem cell technologies will also be covered.

Educational Aims

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Discuss regulation of the cell cycle
  • Demonstrate how cells become differentiated to perform specialised functions.
  • Say how the cell cycle is regulated
  • Describe the mechanism and role(s) of apoptosis.
  • Describe the different types of stem cells.
  • Explain the roles of stem cells in development
  • Explain the roles of stem cells in adults
  • Discuss the ethics surrounding stem cell use
  • Give examples of the different types of stem cell therapies.

Outline Syllabus


  • Cell cycle I
  • Cell cycle II
  • Cell specification in yeast
  • Differentiation of mammalian cells
  • Regulation of cell death
  • Introduction to stem cells
  • Stem cell niches and cell interactions I
  • Stem cell niches and cell interactions II
  • Stem cell therapies
  • Stem cells and tissue engineering


  • Cell cycle CP
  • Differentiation and apoptosis CP
  • Identification of stem cell populations - practical NJF
  • Evaluation of stem cell therapies NJF
  • Exam/Revision workshop NJF/CP

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 33%
  • Exam: 67%

BIOL311: Genetics

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and must have taken a module on genetics.

Course Description

How is DNA, the fundamental building block of life, organised and expressed in different types of organisms such as bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes? Lectures will compare the eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene organisation and expression, chromatin structure and DNA repair in order to address this question and investigate how these processes occur in our own cells. This course builds on the theories considered in BIOL253 and begins by comparing and contrasting the control of gene expression in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes with a particular emphasis on the role of the RNA polymerase in the activation of transcription, and the prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes in translation. We also reflect on role of chromatin in gene regulation and consider how eukaryotic cells have a shared evolutionary history with the archaea. We then investigate how non-coding RNAs can regulate gene expression via a variety of mechanisms, firstly in the prokaryotes, and then in more sophisticated ways in eukaryotes. The course then continues with an introduction to epigenetics and explores mechanisms for establishing and ensuring inheritance of heterochromatin and then focus on diseases associated with chromosome instability and DNA repair defects. In addition, you will study the application of molecular genetics to science and technology during the practical and workshop sessions, providing you with the opportunity to develop vital analytical and technical skills pertinent to a career in science, whilst reinforcing theoretical concepts. These sessions will allow you to consider primer design, PCR amplification, cloning and gene expression, which leads to protein production; you will finally consider protein purification strategies as part of the Module.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this module is to give students the opportunity to explore the fundamentals of eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene expression, chromosome organisation and DNA repair mechanisms. The material builds on subjects taught in BIOL253 Genetics, but in greater detail with the emphasis on topics of current research.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL312: Medical Genetics

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and must have taken a module on genetics.

Course Description

The aim of this module is to provide an understanding of the organisation of the human genome, how disease genes are identified and how massively parallel next generation sequencing, microarrays and SNP genotyping have impacted on medical genetics as well as the study of polygenic diseases. A range of diseases will be examined in detail both in lectures and in the case study workshop sessions, including single gene mutations, chromosomal disorders, DNA repeat expansions and epigenetic contributions to genetic disease. The final lecture looks at gene therapy and considers the future for treatment of genetic disorders. The practical session aims to give students an opportunity to study DNA in a forensics scenario, using techniques that are widely applicable in modern molecular genetics.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this module is to provide an understanding of the organisation of the human genome, how disease genes are mapped and how mutations are identified leading to the development of diagnostic tests. The impacts of massively parallel next generation sequencing, microarrays and SNP genotyping on gene discovery and disease diagnosis will be examined. The application of modern genetic techniques to identifying susceptibility genes for complex, multifactorial traits will also be studied. A range of diseases will be examined in detail both in lectures and in the case study workshop sessions. The final lecture looks at gene therapy and considers the future for treatment of genetic disorders. The practical session aims to give students an opportunity to study their own DNA in a forensics scenario, using techniques that are widely applicable in modern molecular genetics.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL313: Proteins: Structure, Function & Evolution

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and must have taken a module on biochemistry.

Course Description

Protein function depends largely on protein structure, which in turn is based on protein primary sequence. Altering a protein’s sequence can have profound effects on its structure and therefore its function. Protein sequences change over time, by point mutation, duplication, insertion, deletion and domain shuffling. These changes provide the raw material for natural selection, allowing proteins to modify their structures and therefore their functions, as well as allowing completely new functions to be developed. This module aims to cover this entire process from end-to-end. Almost every discipline within biology relies on this structure-function-evolution paradigm, so mastering it will allow you to see all your other studies in a new light. The computer workshops will teach you techniques that measure evolutionary change in proteins and introduce you to structure-functional analysis using a protein structure viewer.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This course will build on the topics and principles of biochemistry introduced in the first and second years focusing on protein structure, function and evolution. Emphasis will be placed on student-centred learning and it is intended that topics introduced in the lectures, practicals and workshops will be expanded and reinforced by extra reading by the student.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL314: Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 16-20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

In this module we will study the molecular and cellular interaction between a variety of parasitic protists and their mammalian hosts. Lectures provide an understanding of how protists invade their hosts and establish chronic infections in the face of an immune response. Workshops and practicals provide an opportunity to apply immunological skills to investigate changes in protein expression during the life cycle of the African trypanosome, which complements lecture course material.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this module is to introduce students to the importance of molecular and cellular interactions between a range of protozoan parasites and their hosts.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL321: Clinical Immunology

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and must have taken a module on cell biology and/or medical microbiology. 

Course Description

Our immune system protects us from infections and even cancer, but its dysregulation can also cause allergies or autoimmune conditions. This module aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how our immune system functions, covering how immune cells develop, and how they interact with one another to fight infections. The module will examine how the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system co-operate to eliminate pathogens and infected cells, and will discuss examples of how the power of the immune system can be harnessed in the clinic, for instance in vaccination or cancer immunotherapy. We will look at clinical conditions where the immune system is not regulated properly, such as allergies, chronic inflammation and autoimmune conditions, and examine clinical case studies of immunodeficiencies where individual components of the immune system do not function properly.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this module is to introduce students to the principles and practice of clinical immunology. The molecular and cellular aspects of the immune system are introduced in lectures, including the ‘first lines of defence’, the innate system and the acquired system involving T cells and B cells. The module will examine how the system deals with pathogens and tumours but will also explore how the immune system fails, or works against, the body in transplantation, auto-immune diseases and immunodeficiencies. Workshops and practicals explore and develop the concepts introduced in lectures and demonstrate the usefulness of antibodies in research and diagnostic applications.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The module aims to develop deeper student understanding of the way in which scientific concepts and data is presented in the literature. Practical sessions provide students with an opportunity to practice their experimental techniques and develop the accuracy of those techniques . The associate coursework provides students with further experience of data analysis and interpretation, and the opportunity to use this data to generate a report and put their results into a wider context.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL322: Tropical Diseases

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term Only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
  • ECTS Credits: 8 ECTS Credits.
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to introduce you to a group of pathogens and parasites responsible for tropical infectious diseases. In the era of increasing international travel and trade, and considering the potential effects of climate change, these are an increasingly important group of organisms, both globally and to the UK. These pathogens include viruses, bacteria, protozoa, worms and arthropods of various kinds. The biology of the major pathogens will be explored including their life cycles, transmission mechanisms, pathology, diagnosis, treatment and control. Workshops and practical sessions will explore and develop some of the concepts from lectures and demonstrate some practical techniques that can be used to facilitate research into tropical diseases.

Educational Aims

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Appreciate the scale of tropical infectious diseases and the challenges they present
  • Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the life cycles, transmission biology and key features of the major tropical pathogens
  • Explain how tropical diseases are diagnosed and treated, and the limitations of current clinical therapeutic options
  • Discuss the main elements of current research on tropical diseases and describe the process and difficulties of translating these into practical methods for treatment and control

Outline Syllabus


  • Introduction to tropical diseases
  • Vector biology and vector-pathogen interactions
  • Haemoflagellates
  • Malaria
  • Gut infections
  • HIV and Tuberculosis
  • Arboviruses and haemorrhagic fevers
  • Flukes and Tapeworms
  • Nematodes
  • Ectoparasites


  • Critical analysis of research papers
  • Practical session I
  • Practical session II
  • Practical session III
  • Data analysis and interpretation

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 33%
  • Exam: 67%

BIOL332: Neurobiology

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

In this module we will explore nervous system function, beginning with sensory systems and leading through to the neural control of complex behaviours. We will also cover how the nervous system is formed in the mammalian embryo. Lectures begin with an introduction to the use of model organisms (invertebrate and vertebrate) and genetic tools to elucidate developmental pathways and neural circuits.? We will then cover topics including the neural basis of sensory (olfaction and gustation) perception, courtship and mating behaviour in Drosophila, circadian rhythms and sleep, learning and memory, and neural induction and patterning of the nervous system. Practical and workshop exercises using Drosophila will give you further insight into behavioural data analysis. Other workshops will focus on investigating topics in neurobiology literature.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to give students an understanding of nervous systems, beginning with their formation in the embryo, leading through sensory systems to the neural control of complex behaviours. The emphasis is on model systems and the use of genetic tools to elucidate developmental pathways and neural circuits. Practical exercises will illustrate some of the functions of nervous systems and how these can be manipulated by genetic intervention.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL333: Ethics in Biomedicine

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 11-15 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: None

Course Description

Lectures will begin with a general introduction to ethics in biomedicine including an outline of the three key ethical principles to be covered throughout the module. Each week lectures will address the key ethical and moral debates in relation to Public Health, organ donation, clinical trials, animal research, genetics and regenerative medicine. The lectures will be supported by a series of seminars which encourage students to explore, discuss and debate key topics from a variety of ethical perspectives. These seminar workshops build upon the concepts presented in the lectures and both reinforce and challenge moral and ethical ideals in relation to contemporary and relevant issues in biomedicine.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to equip students with: An understanding of the significance of ethical debates in the practice and application of biomedicine. An awareness of the interests that influence the practice of biomedicine. Skills to critically evaluate the interaction of biomedicine and society.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to equip students to: The ability to critically evaluate the role of different academic disciplines to inform debates in scientific theory and practice. The ability to work in a team to present ideas coherently, concisely and effectively. The ability to reflect on and interpret information from different public and professional sources.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL334: New and Emerging Microbial Pathogens

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 16 - 20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and participants should have completed at minimum an entry level microbiology module with their home institution.

Course Description

This course examines the behaviour, transmission and impact of environmental microbial pathogens. The course leans towards the microbial ecology of the pathogens rather than their clinical detection. This course will show how the environment influences pathogens and their virulence and how humans can become infected. This is particularly relevant with the COVID-19 situation and other diseases that are emerging. Therefore, we look at all the factors that influence disease emergence. At the end of the module an appreciation will be gained of the pathogen itself along with its life cycle will give you an insight into why it has emerged or re-emerged.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

The aim of this module is to examine microbial pathogens, emerging and re-emerging diseases and methods for pathogen detection and monitoring in the environment.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL353: Cancer

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 11 - 15 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only and must have taken a module on genetics.

Course Description

In this module students are given an overview of the cellular and molecular processes that underpin the development of cancer, including an introduction to the concept of cancer stem cells. This will enable students to discuss the various factors that can affect cancer susceptibility. Students will look at the approaches taken to treat cancer, including some of the new generation of molecularly-targeted cancer therapies. Lectures are supported by a series of workshops that explore some of the key techniques used in cancer biology, while the coursework enables students to consider how to present data from these techniques. Students will also be able to explore the molecular basis of one particular chemotherapeutic agent by carrying out research of the primary literature on its use and writing a short essay on their findings.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to provide an overview of the cellular and molecular processes that underpin the development of cancer; to discuss the various factors that can affect cancer susceptibility; and to look at the approaches taken to treat cancer, including some of the new generation of molecularly-targeted cancer therapies.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL364: Biology of Ageing

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 16 - 20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.

Course Description

In this module you will learn why and how ageing affects most - if not all - animals, from roundworms to humans. Through research-led lectures and workshops, focusing on seminal biogerontology studies, we will explore how human and animal lifespans evolved, how ageing presents itself at molecular, cellular and organismal levels in different species, how it is modulated by conserved genetic pathways and cellular processes, how ageing has been explained by often contradictory theories, and what it means in the context of human ageing. During the workshops and through the coursework assessments, you will discuss mainstream theories and controversies in ageing research, critically analyse research articles, and acquire new scientific writing and data analysis skills. Assessment for this module is through coursework and exam.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

We know the basics of why we age, however only relatively recently, with the use of modern molecular biology tools, do we begin to understand the mechanistic basis of the ageing process. The general consensus is that ageing is caused by an accumulation of molecular damage, which spreads to cells, organs and systems, and overcomes the organism’s resistance, repair and maintenance mechanisms, homeostasis is compromised, further damage occurs and finally systems become critically affected. However there is a great deal more to learn, and even today we cannot claim to clearly know what makes us age and die. Ageing is perhaps the most multidisciplinary area of study and is certainly one of the last great mysteries in biology. This module introduces the area and the methodologies with which it is studied. For 50 years, thanks to evolutionary theory, we’ve known why we are fated to age and die, but our understanding of the mechanisms has been a lengthy evolution in itself, from early notions about rates of living to current ideas about modular yet interacting mechanisms including autophagy, protein synthesis, nutrient sensing, insulin-like signalling and disease resistance.

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

This module aims to encourage students to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a way that is well-organised, topical and recognises the limits of current hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with practical techniques including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

BIOL383: Innovation in the Biosciences

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 11-20 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
  • Pre-requisites: Normally biology majors only.

Course Description

In this module, you will work as a group to produce a realistic business plan for a bio-related business, and you will defend it as a group in front of a panel of potential investors. You will also produce an individual reflective piece on your experience of the module. Through workshops, seminars, lectures, and personal study, you will learn essential business concepts, planning and management tools, what makes a business, what innovation or intellectual property are, and how to produce effective business plans and pitches. Each group will be supported by an academic who will help you mature your business idea and develop your business plan through regular tutorial meetings. Assessment for this module is exclusively through coursework.

Educational Aims

Educational Aims: Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

To develop an understanding of how research in the biosciences can lead to new commercial products or influence key policy To develop a range of employability skills in the context of innovation in the biosciences

Educational Aims: General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

To enable students to work together as a team to propose solutions to a problem To encourage creative thinking and innovative approaches to problem solving To build an appreciation of the needs of a range of stakeholders, both scientific and non-scientific To develop skills necessary for success in graduate-level employment or further study

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 100%

LEC.164: Developmental Biology

  • Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 16-20 of Lent term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
  • Pre-requisites: No pre-requisite.

Course Description

The aim of this module is to introduce students to the key processes involved in animal and plant development the formation of the adult body from a fertilised egg. The course will examine key concepts in developmental biology, including polarity, pattern formation, cellular differentiation and organogenesis. Students will learn how these processes are regulated internally and externally, through developmental regulatory genes and via influences from the external environment. The module will compare and contrast strategies for development in animals and plants.

Educational Aims

On successful completion of the module students should be able to:

  • Outline the key stages in animal embryogenesis
  • Explain how differential gene expression is used to control development
  • Explain how polarity is established during embryogenesis
  • Provide examples of developmental processes that are regulated by cell-cell interactions
  • Describe the process by which a cell loses totipotency and differentiates into a specialised cell type
  • Provide examples of environmental factors that can influence plant and animal development
  • Describe the mechanisms controlling the switch from plant vegetative to reproductive development
  • Identify the major structures present in animal embryos
  • Identify the major organs of the angiosperm flower
  • Interpret the phenotypes of organ identity mutants in terms of the genetic control of development

Outline Syllabus

The module will be delivered through 12 Lectures, 2 laboratory practicals and 2 workshops.


  • Introduction to developmental biology.
  • Animal embryogenesis. Cleavage, gastrulation, organogenesis. Polarity and pattern formation. Cellular determination and differentiation. Genetic and epigenetic control of development.
  • Stem cell niches, regeneration.
  • Environmental regulation of animal development.
  • Introduction to plant development.
  • Plant embryogenesis.
  • Apical meristems. Reproductive development.
  • Environmental regulation of plant development.
  • Synthesis cross-kingdom comparisons of development.


  • Practical 1: Comparative embryology
  • Practical 2: The ABC model of floral development
  • Workshop 1: Drosophila embryo development
  • Workshop 2: Revision workshop

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

LEC.165: Marine and Estuarine Biology

  • Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 1-5 of Summer Term only.
  • US Credits: 2 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
  • Pre-requisites: None

Course Description

Aquatic ecosystems host biodiversity which helps to underpin some of the most important ecosystem services on the planet such as carbon storage and sustainable fisheries. Understanding what is there and what it does is vital if we are to maintain and manage aquatic resources and combat the multiple stressors that they face. Through a series of lectures and practicals, students will be introduced to the concept of water as a medium for life and the challenges that poses for organisms spanning from microbes to whales and including those organisms that are subsidised by marine / estuarine production. A focus will be upon ecophysiology and how organisms respond and adapt to environmental gradients such as oxygen availability, salinity, pressure or exposure. The relationship between structure and function, and the importance of considering scales of both space and time will be stressed throughout. The module will finish with an exploration of the ecosystem services provided.

Theory from the lectures will be supported by a site visit to Morecambe Bay to make some field observations and collect samples for a subsequent lab session. Two further lab-based practicals will use fish to investigate aquatic adaptations.

Educational Aims

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Describe the heterogeneity of marine and estuarine environments
  • Identify the specific challenges faced by organisms living in water, especially with regard to salinity
  • Explain how ecophysiological structure relates to function and promotes efficiency
  • Summarize the fundamental concept of ecological zonation
  • Describe the processes of aquatic primary production and energy transfer
  • Define and provide examples of autochthony, allochthony, and ecosystem subsidies
  • State the contemporary tools ecologists use to assess food webs
  • Summarize the concept of ecosystem service provision
  • Describe the multiple stressors impacting upon marine and estuarine habitats
  • Study organisms in the field using basic survey techniques
  • Perform basic analyses and dissection in the laboratory

Outline Syllabus

The module will be delivered through 12 Lectures and 4 practicals/workshops.


  • Water as a medium for life
  • Habitats connectivity and zonation
  • Crossing the divide (ecophysiology for salinity/pressure etc)
  • Living on the edge (ecophysiology for tidal exposure etc)
  • Moving around (structure and function)
  • Production and energy flow


  • (1) Field visit (if practicable). Mudflat invertebrates and wading birds observations
  • (2) Follow up lab on benthic chlorophyll and invertebrates, with isotope data
  • (3) Fish dissection for demonstration of swim bladder, gills, fins, etc.
  • (4) Fish form and function follow-on from dissection. Morphometrics.

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework and End of Module Test: 50%
  • Exam: 50%

LEC.247: Field Biology

  • Terms Taught: This module runs in Weeks 23-24 of Summer Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
  • Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.142 and LEC.243

Course Description

Employers expect graduate biologists, especially those aiming for careers as field biologists or ecologists, to have gained experience of basic field biology skills and common survey techniques. This module aims to provide students with these essential field skills in order to increase their competitiveness and potential for accessing the job market at the end of their degrees. The module will focus primarily on identification skills of several groups of organisms including plants and animals. This knowledge provides the basis for characterising and identifying habitat types in order to carry out environmental assessments. Students will be introduced to the Phase I habitat survey method and other sampling techniques appropriate for assessing populations of indicator species of each habitat. This module will be delivered in the field at 糖心vlog会员 field station and will include, where possible, excursions to natural habitats in the surrounding areas, such as the Yorkshire Dales National Park and the Arnside and Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Educational Aims

On completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Use field guides and keys for taxonomic identification.
  • Demonstrate identification skills of the key taxa used in the module, such as (a) common plants in order to map habitats and identify standard habitat types and (b) common and indicator species of target habitats from one or more insect groups.
  • Use the Phase 1 habitat survey manual to classify target habitats within broad categories.
  • Use field equipment for recording a set of environmental variables and ecosystem processes.
  • Identify appropriate sampling methods and apply them in the field.

Outline Syllabus

The module will be an intensive 5-day course in the middle of summer term, likely Week 24 (mid May). The module will have five sections, almost entirely delivered in the field by several lecturers. The main field site will be Hazelrigg 糖心vlog会员 field station. The students will be taken through a habitat and biodiversity (indicator taxa) survey at the Hazelrigg field site. There will be also short sessions at the site on: monitoring bird breeding parameters (including demonstration of handling and ringing birds); moth trapping (including species level identification of macro-moths) and small mammal trapping (including species level identification and demonstration of tagging). In addition there will be two days when excursions will be made to off-campus sites (e.g. to a species-rich meadow in the Yorkshire Dales and to sites of highly diverse insect communities such as the Morecambe bay region to see Fritillary butterflies).

Workshop (2h) in week 23:

  • Introduction to the module and health and safety in the field.

Day 1 (8h) in week 24:

  • Introduction to the Phase I habitat survey method, focusing on several habitats present at the field station (grasslands and woodlands) and including some elements of the National Vegetation Classification.
  • To complete a Phase I survey it is necessary to have a general knowledge of plant species. Therefore most of the day will focus on plant identification using identification keys and field guides.
  • Session on bird nest monitoring.

Day 2 (8h) in week 24:

  • Excursion to a species-rich meadow in the Yorkshire Dales, practising plant identification skills.

Day 3 (8h) in week 24:

  • Pollinator species identification and sampling method (point count observations); some specimens will be collected for identification in the lab.
  • Ground beetle species identification in the lab using keys and stereomicroscopes.
  • Short session in the evening (on day 3) and early morning (on day 4) on mammal trapping.

Day 4 (8h) in week 24:

  • Butterfly species identification and sampling method (Pollard walk transect).
  • Excursion to sites of highly diverse insect communities (e.g. nature reserves in the Morecambe Bay region), practising butterfly identification skills.
  • Short session in the evening (on day 4) and early morning (on day 5) on moth trapping.

Day 5 (6h) in week 24:

  • Measuring environmental variables (e.g. light/temperature/moisture, soil chemistry and C flux) at the field station and in the lab.
  • Spot test.

Contact hours: 40

Independent study hours (including reading and coursework preparation): 110

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 100%

LEC.348: Host-Parasite Interactions

  • Terms Taught: Weeks 1-5 of Lent Term only.
  • US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
  • ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
  • Pre-requisites: None

Course Description

Plants and animals in their natural environments interact with a wide range of other living organisms. These include both beneficial interactions and damaging encounters with parasites, pathogens and herbivores. This module seeks to build on introductory material from LEC.246 to introduce students to a more detailed appreciation of the range and complexity of plant and animal interactions with parasitic organisms. We will examine the different kinds of organisms that have evolved a parasitic lifestyle and the ways in which they parasitize their hosts. In parallel, the module will introduce the different strategies that plants and animals use to defend themselves, including the recruitment of other organisms to act as allies. The continuing conflict between hosts and parasites results in a so-called 'evolutionary arms race', and we will cover a range of examples of the co-evolution of host defences and parasite counter-measures which enable successful parasites to overcome these defences. The module will also examine the evolutionary costs and benefits of defence, and the evidence for short and long-term immunological memory.

Since the module is aimed primarily at addressing ecological and physiological questions rather than the biomedical aspects of parasitology, the focus will be on invertebrate rather than vertebrate hosts.

Educational Aims

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Describe the main groups of parasitic organisms and their lifestyles
  • Describe structural and behavioural defences against parasites, pathogens and herbivores in plants and animals
  • Describe the key features of innate and adaptive immunity in plants and animals
  • Identify the main selective pressures shaping the evolution of host resistance to parasites
  • Explain why many defence mechanisms are inducible rather than permanently expressed
  • Explain how specialist herbivores and parasites have co-evolved with their hosts to overcome resistance
  • Describe examples of the links between genetic, biochemical and physiological processes and ecological scale interactions between different organisms
  • Explain the mechanistic basis for, and ecological significance of, immune priming and immunological memory
  • Discuss the need for interdisciplinary research in the field of resistance/immunity to pests and diseases

Outline Syllabus

The module will be taught over 5 weeks, with 2 lectures per week, supported by weekly practical and workshop sessions.

Lecture Topics include:

  • Introductory lecture on evolutionary parasitology
  • Animal defence immunity
  • Plant defence against pathogens and herbivores
  • Parasite strategies to evade host defences
  • Effects on parasitism of interactions with other organisms
  • Host defence trade-offs

Workshops Practicals:

  • Workshop - Introduction to module using video resources. Coursework setting
  • Workshop - Co-evolution of host-parasite interactions
  • Practical - Plant-microbe interactions practical - Part 1
  • Practical - Plant-microbe interactions practical - Part 2
  • Workshop - Data analysis and Exam preparation

Assessment Proportions

  • Coursework: 50%
  • Exam: 50%