The following modules are available to incoming Study Abroad
students interested in Engineering.
Alternatively you may return to the complete list of Study Abroad
Subject Areas.
ENGR300: Individual BEng Project
- Terms Taught: Full Year Only
- US Credits: 8 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 15 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Final year of BEng or equivalent in mechanical, mechatronics, electronics or nuclear (not suitable for civil or chemical).
Course Description
This courses aims to integrate and give practice in the application of areas of engineering science that have been learned in earlier parts of the course and to develop skills in communication at a number of levels, from dealing appropriately with supervisors, support staff and technicians, to the presentation of verbal and written reports. You are required to prepare an individual final report, which forms the major part of the assessment.
Educational Aims
The course aims to:
- Give the students an in-depth knowledge of a specific, specialist area of their subject
- Learn either professional software, research, design or experimental skills consistent with subject.
Outline Syllabus
The module involves the students completing an individual project. They are responsible for the research, management and technical content of the project as well as evidencing the use of professional engineering skills where appropriate. The students will be assigned a project title and project supervisor who will guide and advise them throughout the project.
Assessment Proportions
ENGR311: Engineering Management
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Normally for Engineering majors only.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to examine the role of management and its relevance to engineers today. In this context, specific knowledge about manufacturing systems and project financial appraisal will be introduced, together with relevant aspects of law and human resource management, industrial organisation and project costing.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Understand the role of management in industry and its relevance to engineers today;
- Understand how modern manufacturing operations are organized financially;
- Evaluate financially both large and small projects as the basis for major decisions;
- Have a knowledge of what quality is and its importance to all organizations;
- Apply suitable tools for the improvement of quality;
- Have a knowledge of the relevant aspects of law and human resource management;
- Understand the importance of environmental reporting;
- Carry out a basic level of safety management.
Outline Syllabus
- An outline of company finance and reporting;
- Relevant aspects of law and human resource management;
- Industrial organisation; project costing;
- and an overview of environmental reporting, quality and safety management.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 40%
- Exam: 60%
ENGR313: Power Electronics and Applications
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only.
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Normally for Engineering majors only. Level 2 Electrical engineering.
Course Description
This course provides students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of power electronics and applications. It develops understanding of scientific principles and methodology of power semiconductor devices, power electronic converters, dc/ac motor drives and the applications and needs for high power electronic switches/converters in the electric power utility industry.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Analyse engineering problems
- Create and design solutions to meet real-world engineering needs
- Think and argue critically
- Plan and organise their work
Outline Syllabus
Topics to be covered may include:
- Introduction to Power Electronic Systems: Introduction and applications of electrical drives, power semiconductor devices and controllability, controllable switches
- Power Electronic Converters (rectifiers): Uncontrolled rectifiers (single-phase and three-phase), fully- controlled rectifiers (single-phase and three-phase),
- Power Electronic Converters (choppers): Pulse-width modulation, step-down (buck) converter, step-up (boost) converter, step-down / step-up (buck-boost) converter, Cuk converter, full-bridge converter, dc to dc converter comparison
- Power Electronic Converters (Inverters): Pulse-width-modulated inverters, selection of switching frequency and frequency modulation ratio, PWM with bipolar voltage switching, PWM with unipolar voltage switching three-phase inverters
- Snubber circuits: Function and types of Snubber circuits, use of Snubber circuits (with diodes, thyristors, transistors), turn on/off snubber
- DC motor drive applications: dc servo drives, adjustable speed dc drives
- Induction motor drive applications: Speed control by varying stator frequency and voltage, variable frequency drives (PWM-VSI, square-wave VSI, CSI)
- Synchronous motor drive applications: Synchronous motor drives with sinusoidal waveforms and trapezoidal waveforms, Load commutated inverter drives, cycloconverters
- Residential and industrial applications: Space heating and air conditioning, induction heating and electric welding, integral half-cycle controllers
- Electric utility applications: HVDC transmission, Static VAR compensators, Interconnection of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems to the utility grid
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 10%
- Test: 10%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR314: Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Engineering majors only.
- Prior experience of Fluid Mechanics and differential equations.
Course Description
Students will gain an appreciation of the vast potential, but also the limitations of utilising CFD for complex engineering analysis and design problems. They will become familiar with the basic theory of CFD, large parts of which are common to other computational disciplines, and they will acquire expertise on how to use modern CFD tools routinely used by the industry. Moreover, the practical matters to which they are exposed in this course will also strengthen their knowledge of general fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, hydraulics and turbomachinery.
Educational Aims
The aim of the CFD module is to introduce students to:
- a) the foundations of CFD, including finite-difference and finite volume methods, numerical solution of partial differential equations, Von Neumann stability analysis, and
- b) the advanced use of CFD for solving complex fluid dynamics problems crucial to several engineering branches, including turbomachinery, hydraulic, automotive, aeronautical, renewable energy, environmental and chemical engineering.
The knowledge of the fundamental theoretical elements of CFD provided in this course enables students to correctly set-up and solve problems in the aforementioned areas using state-of-the-art commercial CFD software. The lab-based component of the course aims to provide the students with advanced expertise on using key-components of CFD software, including grid generation systems, CFD solvers (including choice of key physical modelling and numerical control parameters), and solution post-processors (including flow visualisation systems).Outline Syllabus
The course will consist of 14 lectures and 6 laboratory sessions.
The lectures will discuss:
- finite-difference and finite volume schemes
- explicit and implicit integration methods
- stability analysis
- the main features of the integral and differential forms of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
- characteristics theory and boundary conditions
- boundary layers
- formulation and solution of governing equations in rotating frames
- the basic theory of turbulence and numerical modelling thereof
Most of the discussed theory will be further explained by means of simple model equations such as the linear advection equation and the unsteady heat transfer equation. The presented methods (eg finite-difference schemes and stability analysis) will be applied to the numerical solution of these model equations to further consolidate the understanding of the presented material.
In the laboratory sessions, students will be taught how to use a state-of-the-art CFD commercial solver used by many diverse industries in the UK and worldwide. More precisely they will learn how to generate high-quality CFD meshes, how to import CAD-based geometries into the grid generation system, how to run and monitor the solution of the CFD solver, how to validate the solution accuracy and the computational performance of the solver, how to post-process computed solutions, and, overall, to exploit the vast potential of CFD as an analysis and design tool. Considered fluid dynamics applications will include gas turbine, wind turbine, car aerodynamics, and chemical and process engineering problems.
Assessment Proportions
- Exam: 70%
- Individual Project: 30%
ENGR332: Integrated Circuit Engineering
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Electronic Systems Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering students only.
- Prior experience of digital electronics and digital logic.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to develop your generic design skills in an industrial context and to provide a wider understanding of integrated circuits in a general context (not limited to particular scales or devices). It will also provide an understanding of the design and optimisation of digital CMOS circuits with respect to different quality metrics (cost, speed, power dissipation, reliability) and an understanding of how different digital logic blocks can be realised on silicon (arithmetic and logic blocks, memories). You will also understand system level integration issues (clocked systems, datapath oriented design, chip design options, structured design strategies) and technology scaling and the issues relating to deep submicron design.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Analyse digital CMOS circuits for functionality;
- Analyse simple performance metrics;
- Derive circuits to implement simple functions;
- Use an industrial tool to model, analyse and construct digital circuits
Outline Syllabus
- CMOS circuit engineering: MOSFET short channel effects; switch model; digital design metrics; design of logic elements.
- Arithmetic building blocks: data paths; adders; busses; multipliers.
- Memory elements classification: latches; flip-flops; timing metrics.
- Memory and array structures: memory classification; memory architectures and building blocks; memory core.
- Timing issues: timing classifications; synchronous timing basics; latch-based clocking; clock distribution; timing metrics.
- Power consumption: metrics; static and dynamic power consumption equations; leakage power; power minimisation techniques.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR333: Analogue Electronics
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Electronic Systems Engineering students only.
- Prior experience of LCR circuits, filters, op-amps.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce time and frequency domain representations of analogue circuits; and to examine the principles of analogue integrated circuit and filter design, including linear network transfer functions. It will introduce the range of analogue components available and encourage you to develop the design skills required by industry, both in the context of analogue circuits and in the wider engineering discipline.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Analyse circuits in the time and frequency domains;
- Analyse and evaluate fundamental analogue circuit building blocks;
- Describe the composition of active and passive filters.
Outline Syllabus
- Transistors: MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor) models; capacitances; bipolar transistor operation and models.
- Transistor circuits for Integrated Circuits: current mirrors and IC biasing; two stage amplifiers; Op Amp design; high-frequency analysis; feedback and sensitivity; noise analysis.
- Fundamentals of linear continuous time filters: linear network transfer functions; poles and zeros; characterisation of sinusoidal, step and impulse responses; first and second order low pass, high pass and band pass transfer functions; sinusoidal and step responses; design of passive and active circuits for synthesis of transfer functions, parasitics and filter precision.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR335: Optoelectronics and wireless communications
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Electronic Engineering, and Computer Systems Engineering students only.
- Prior experience of electromagnetism.
Course Description
The aim of this module is to look at the fundamental components of optical communication and wireless systems and information theory, including the physical propagation of signals, electromagnetism and signal analysis. The module will introduce the theory of using optoelectronics and radio waves for telecommunications; and will examine the main types of antenna and their properties.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Describe the principles of optical communications;
- Define the main optical components in a communication system;
- Explain the fundamentals of wireless systems, transmitters and receivers;
- Carry out calculations on radio transmission antennas and coding;
- Explain the use of radio waves for telecommunications;
- Describe the main types of antenna, their properties and uses;
- Explain the reasons for the design choices made in a variety of communications systems.
Outline Syllabus
- Optoelectronics: overview of optical communication systems; optical components; optical sources.
- Wireless communications: electromagnetic spectrum; elements of radio waves propagation; transmitter; receiver; link budget; types of wireless networks; Antennas: waves in free space; dipole; loop and aperture antennas; antenna arrays; directivity; gain; effective area.
- Revision of information theory: channel capacity; Shannon’s Law; noise.
- Revision of modulation: AM; FM; PSK etc. Access: TDM; FDM; CDM.
- System case studies: Internet fibre cables backbone, radio and TV broadcasting.
Assessment Proportions
ENGR336: Digital Signal Processing
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Fundamentals in analogue and digital electronics at undergraduate level (years 1 & 2) is required.
- Some prior programming experience. Mathematics at undergraduate levels (year 1).
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce students to digital techniques for processing signals, including Fourier transforms and digital filtering. Students will learn about discrete time and frequency domain signals. This has many applications in modern-day communication systems. Students will get an understanding of discrete time and frequency domains, become familiar with time and frequency domain analysis and understand how to design digital filters. The course will demonstrate digital signal processing techniques through the use of MATLAB. This will gives the students a good knowledge of a general purpose code commonly used in Engineering environments. Students will learn how to use MATLAB for digital calculations.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- Explain and apply the key principles of sampling continuous time signals;
- Understand the principles of Fourier Transform and z-transform;
- Be able to apply Fourier Transform and z-transform to the analysis of signals and linear time-invariant systems;
- Understand the principles of convolution and apply it to the analysis of linear time-invariant systems;
- Be able to program in MATLAB independently;
- Critically analyse, design and implement finite impulse response and impulse response filters in MATLAB.
This module will also develop students’ ability to:
- Analyse engineering problems,
- Create and design solutions to meet ‘real-world’ engineering needs,
- Think and argue critically, and
- Plan and organise their work.
Outline Syllabus
Students will learn the fundamentals of digital signal processing. Details are listed below.
- Signal sampling.
- Analogue to Digital Conversion.
- Discrete time and space domains.
- Time and frequency domain analysis.
- Fourier theory and transforms (discrete, fast, short time, autocorrelation).
- Linear Time-Invariant Systems.
- Convolution.
- Digital filtering (impulse response, IIR, FIR, difference equation, filter design).
- Z-plane analysis.
- Implementation in MATLAB (practical element).
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 70%
- Test: 10%
ENGR352: Vibration Analysis and Applications
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Mechanical Engineering students only.
- Prior experience of differential equations, dynamics and mechanics.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to develop your skills and abilities in mechanics, particularly in relation to mechanisms and linkages, balancing of rotating and reciprocating machinery, and flexible systems which are able to vibrate. It will teach you about some common components of machinery and the engineering science that is necessary to analyse and design them.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Use principles of forces and moments equilibrium (with inertia forces) to estimate the forces acting on rigid bodies that are accelerating in two dimensions;
- Use kinematic principles to relate displacements and velocities (and accelerations in certain special cases, e.g. the slider-crank mechanism of a typical reciprocating engine) of points on linkages of rigid bodies;
- Find the location of instantaneous centres in a linkage (such as swing-arm centres and roll centre of a vehicle suspension), and apply the instantaneous-centre method to investigate the velocities of points on a linkage;
- Find the velocity of any point of selected planar mechanisms using velocity diagrams and the velocity image theorem;
- Find the acceleration of any point of selected planar mechanisms using acceleration diagrams and the acceleration image theorem;
- Apply the idea of energy conservation to ideal systems (work in = work out).
Outline Syllabus
- Kinematics and kinetics of mechanisms: velocity diagrams; instantaneous centres; simple cases of acceleration.
- Two-degree-of-freedom vibrating systems: natural frequencies (eigenvalues) and modes of vibration (eigenvectors); matrix methods.
- Balancing rotating and reciprocating equipment.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 30%
- Exam: 70%
ENGR353: Design and Manufacturing
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Mechanical Engineering students only.
- Prior experience of mechanical design and simple manufacturing processes.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to examine a range of manufacturing processes, including metal cutting, machining and automation; and to consider the role of computers and information systems in the operation of manufacturing equipment. It will develop your insight into the link between design and manufacture and to improve your generic design skills.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Understand the process of machining;
- Understand the principles of work holding and fixturing;
- Prepare a process plan;
- Estimate times for manufacture of simple jobs;
- Understand the principles of CAPPE;
- Set out a time estimate for a manual or robotic assembly process;
- Understand the principles of DFMA;
- Give an account of the relationship between CNC, FMS and CIM, including the information structures needed to achieve integration;
- Have an understanding of key issues in modern manufacturing, especially regarding tooling and other investment 'hot-spots';
- Appreciate current enabling technologies such as rapid prototyping and the use of in-cycle gauging and SPC to promote 'right first time'.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction and review of metal cutting manufacturing processes.
- Mechanical machining theory. Jigs and fixtures.
- Cost estimating.
- CNC and ancillary equipment.
- FMS and Parts Classification.
- Group technology.
- Assembly automation and DFMA.
- CIM structures.
- Process choices in relation to product specifications, quantities and tooling options.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 40%
- Exam: 60%
ENGR354: Engineering Materials
- Terms Taught: Lent/Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronic Engineering students only.
- Prior experience of Engineering materials and Mechanics.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to examine in detail the physical behaviour of a wide range of engineering materials, including their toughness, creep, fatigue and corrosion. The course will also consider methods for detecting flaws in structures and materials and judge how different materials impact on the general analysis and design of mechanical engineering components and structures.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Understand the difference between toughness and fracture toughness of materials and how the latter is applied to determine a materials susceptibility to fast fracture;
- Understand the nature of fatigue, the differences between high and low cycle fatigue, have an appreciation of fatigue testing and how to carry out simple fatigue calculations;
- Understand the nature of creep, have an appreciation of creep testing, appreciate the basis of semi-empirical creep laws and simple creep calculations;
- Appreciate the factors controlling dry and wet corrosion, have an understanding of the relative ranking of the susceptibility of materials to both forms of corrosion;
- Understand dry and wet corrosion models and the differences between them and appreciate the principal approaches to corrosion protection;
- Understand the basic mechanics of friction and wear and understand some of the methods of reducing their deleterious effects;
- Understand the main methods of non-destructive detection of flaws and cracks and to appreciate their advantages and limitations.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to toughness, critical fracture toughness and simple fracture mechanics.
- Introduction to fatigue, the fatigue classification system, empirical fatigue laws and simple crack extension – stress cycle calculations.
- Definition of creep, creep testing, empirical creep laws, stress relaxation and simple creep calculations.
- Dry corrosion and simple models of the process, wet corrosion, galvanic cells and corrosion protection.
- The nature of surfaces, static and kinetic friction, adhesive and abrasive wear.
- Non-destructive methods of crack/flaw detection – their advantages and limitations.
Assessment Proportions
ENGR355: Machine Elements
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Normally for Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronic Engineering students only.
- Prior experience of mechanical design and analysis.
Course Description
The aim of the course is to familiarise you with a range of interesting problems involving elements of machines and with the generic techniques for analysing them. You will develop your skills in analysing some commonly-occurring machine elements, particularly gears and rolling elements, screw threads and plain bearings.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Establish the geometry of contacts between bodies, including relative radii of curvature;
- Estimate stresses and loads between bodies at such contacts;
- Carry out calculations on involute gear geometry, including estimating load capacity;
- Estimate load capacity of plain (hydrodynamic) bearings;
- Describe how loads are carried by bolted joints.
Outline Syllabus
- Contact stresses: relative radii of curvature of two bodies at their point of contact; estimation of load, given allowable stress, and of stress, given load.
- Examples of ball and roller bearings, railway wheels etc.
- Involute gears: geometry of gear teeth for constant velocity ratio; the involute tooth form and its geometry; contact stresses between gear teeth.
- Screw threads: transmission of forces in bolted joints e.g. of forces on a cylinder head, thread forms, tightening torque and the influence of friction.
- Methods of applying pretension.
- Other types of fasteners.
- Tribology: friction and lubrication, hydrodynamic lubrication, rectangular plane pad, journal bearings.
- Reynolds' equation in one dimension, tilting-pad bearings and hydrostatic bearings.
Assessment Proportions
ENGR360: Advanced Process Transfers
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Normally for Chemical Engineering students only.
Course Description
Provide advanced depth of chemical engineering fundamentals applies the concept of simultaneous momentum, heat and mass transfer in the design. Provide skills in the common tool set used in chemical engineering design of evaporators, humidifiers, dryers and complex separations (multi-component distillation)
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Develop detailed skills in an important area of chemical engineering
- Understanding of how their designs and process selections comply with economic constraints and current health, safety and environmental regulations.
- Enhance problem solving design, and analysis skills
- Apply knowledge to real world situations
- Communicate their conclusions to both expert and non-expert audiences
Outline Syllabus
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Humidification terms: basic definition; wet-bulb temperature; adiabatic saturation temperature; Lewis relation.
1.3 Humidity data for air-water system: temperature-humidity chart; enthalpy-humidity chart; mixing of two streams of humid gas; addition of liquid or vapour to a gas.
1.4 Determination of humidity.
1.5 Methods for humidification and dehumidification.
Cooling towers
2.1 Types of cooling towers.
2.2 Heat and mass balances.
2.3 Equilibrium and operating lines.
2.4 Stage calculations.
2.5 Heat and mass transfer coefficients.
2.6 Operation of cooling towers.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Moisture-solid relationships.
3.3 Mass and enthalpy balances.
3.4 Types of moisture.
3.5 Hygroscopicity.
3.6 Drying rate curves.
3.7 The constant drying rate period.
3.8 Critical moisture content.
3.9 Fall rate periods.
3.10 Movement of moisture within a solid.
3.11 Through drying.
3.12 Total drying time.
3.13 Rotary dryers.
3.14 Drying equipment.
Evaporators and evaporation
4.1 Introduction to evaporation process.
4.2 Types of evaporators and operation methods.
4.3 Primary design problems.
4.4 Calculation method for single-effect evaporators.
4.5 Calculation method for multiple-effect evaporators.
4.6 Evaporation of biological materials.
4.7 Improving efficiency in evaporation process.
Multicomponent distillation
5.1 Equilibrium flash distillation, bubble and dew points, classical method, Smith-Wilson method, adiabatic flash, hydrocarbon plus water systems.
5.2 General short cut equation, extraction, distillation, absorption, Horton-Franklin and Edmister methods.
5.3 Numerical methods - general method, Lewis-Matheson method with Mismatch convergence, Thiele-Geddes with *-method convergence, complex-system fractionation.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR361: Nuclear Medicine
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Knowledge and application of basics nuclear physics - half-life, activity etc.
- Ability to solve basic differential equations and use logs/exponentials etc.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the nuclear engineering systems used in medical applications throughout the world. It will introduce you to the concept of radiobiological effects. You will review three main aspects of nuclear medicine: external beam radiotherapy, internal radiotherapy and radiology. On successful completion of this course, you will be able to understand the essential role that nuclear techniques fulfil in medicine and have an appreciation of where current research trends are taking the field.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Understand the difference between radiotherapy and radiology
- Identify an appropriate method for the treatment of a given medical condition i.e. the association of proton therapy viz. cancer of the cornea; iodine treatment for the thyroid cancer
- Explain the principal parts of key nuclear medical systems such as LINACs, source deployment facilities, PET scanners etc.
- Identify specific isotopes and explain how their properties relate to their common uses such as Tc99m for use in PET etc.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to the effect of radiation on human tissue.
- External beam radiotherapy: history, methods, devices and techniques.
- Internal radiotherapeutic methods: sources and techniques.
- Radiology and related imaging methods.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR362: Nuclear Instrumentation
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Knowledge of symbols and units used in engineering.
- Knowledge and application of basic maths, including exponentials and integration.
- Understanding of basic chemistry.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamentals of instrumentation that is specific to nuclear applications. It will provide you with knowledge of the common nuclear instrumentation systems that might encounter in industry, medicine and research and provide an indication of where current research is taking this area forward.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will:
- Be aware of the principal radiation detection modalities in use throughout the world;
- Understand and be able to set up some of these systems;
- Understand the statistical issues associated with the use of these instrumentation systems and the interpretation of their data;
- Be aware of the compromise between energy resolution and detection efficiency;
- Be aware of the safety issues associated with the use of nuclear instrumentation.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to nuclear instrumentation applications;
- Review of radiation detection modalities;
- Data analysis and interpretation;
- The detection and measurement of energy, count level, energy spectra and dose;
- Safety issues associated with nuclear instrumentation.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR363: Chemical Engineering Design and Process Safety
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Normally for Chemical Engineering students only.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Develop a design basis for a set of requirements (based on customer needs) and identify constraints
- Ensure fitness for purpose (including maintenance, reliability and safety)
- Adapt designs to meet new purposes and apply innovative design solutions
- Solve material balance problems for multiple stage process operations
- Identify principle successive steps required in the start of a process design
- Explain how the principles of mass and energy balances and other process parameters are interrelated and combined in the design of processes and equipment to give a complete plant
- Understand the principles of effective management of health and safety (including appropriate legislation)
- Categorise hazards and refer to appropriate legislation.
- Apply hazard identification techniques and analysis techniques in designs to support safety cases
- Understand the concept of a safety case
- Refer to a range of relevant design standards when generating designs
Outline Syllabus
Introduction to design
Design process overview in chemical engineering
Codes and standards
Safety factors
Degrees of freedom
Introduction to optimisation
Process design fundamentals
Mass balance and energy balance in composite process design
Use of flowsheeting, block diagrams, layouts
Use of piping and instrumentation diagrams
Process evaluation and costing
Materials selection
Reliability and maintenance
Site layout considerations
Process safety
Definition of hazard and risk
Hazard categories
HAZID techniques and exercises
Risk assessment and qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques (e.g. HAZOP, FMECA, FTA, HRA)
Use of a safety case
Layers of protection in analysis.
Environmental impact and social responsibility
Lessons learnt in process design
Examples of lessons which can be learnt from past process design failures
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 40%
- Exam: 60%
ENGR364: Computer Applications in Process Engineering
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Normally for Chemical Engineering students only.
Course Description
The module introduces students to the use of computational data analysis, modelling and simulation in the field of chemical engineering using a mixture of visual basic and spreadsheet programming and one of the most widely employed professional chemical engineering software packages, ASPEN engineering suite.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Analyse and solve engineering problems using computers with confidence;
- Create and design solutions to meet ‘real-world’ engineering needs;
- Develop effective arguments based on evidence;
- Summarise findings and draw conclusions from practical work;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline that can be built upon towards further career progression and potentially chartered or incorporated engineer status
Outline Syllabus
- Principals of computational modelling and the application of relevant numerical methods to problems in chemical engineering;
- Discretisation and numerical integration
- Solution of large sets of simultaneous equations
- Linear and non-linear regression and its application to problems such as the kinetics of complex reactions;
- Optimisation algorithms.
- Process simulation using software package ASPEN engineering suite:
- Use the ASPEN+ to prepare steady state process simulations in a format that can be understood and used or modified by other engineers
- Application of ASPEN+ to process synthesis and the development of material and energy balances over process flowsheets.
- Application of ASPEN+ to the process design of illustrative process equipment
- Introduction to the ASPEN engineering suite dynamic simulations, parameter estimation, optimisation and experiment design;
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 40%
- Exam: 60%
ENGR365: Catalytic and bio-reaction engineering
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Normally for Chemical Engineering students only.
Course Description
The course will introduce you to practical tools for the analysis of catalytic and bio-catalytic processes such as the Lineweaver-Burke transformation. In addition, examples of bioprocesses and the application of bioreactors will be summarised to highlight how they differ from typical chemical processes. You will learn about the use of enzymes as biocatalysts, their functions and kinetics (Michaelis-Menten equation and Lineweaver-Burk plot).
Following this you will be introduced to cells and cell culturing, learning about the basic cell classification and macromolecular composition of cells. You will be introduced to key biotechnological concepts, such as inoculum and sterility, the importance of medium composition based on the stoichiometry of growth and product formation (stoichiometric yields) as well as observed yields. You will learn about the kinetics of microbial activity and the application of mathematical models to clarify concepts such as volumetric and specific rates, and to describe cell growth (Monod equation), death, product formation (Luedeking-Piret expression), oxygen and substrate uptake, and maintenance energy.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- Formulate and solve a range of problems in the field of catalytic and bio- reaction engineering
- Apply mathematical analysis to define key parameters in the formulation of problems
- Integrate the fundamentals of this unit with broader chemical engineering principles for the design of experiments, equipment and processes
- Create and design solutions to meet real world chemical engineering needs
- Critically analyse and evaluate scientific and engineering information to design a reactor system for simple and more complex reactions.
- Communicate with scientist and engineers from life sciences and environmental technology fields.
- Plan and manage time and workloads effectively
Outline Syllabus
- Fundamentals of catalytic and biochemical reaction
- Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
- Reaction kinetics, rate equations for catalysed systems
- Bio- and enzymatic reaction fundamentals
- Pseudo steady state hypothesis (PSSH)
- Michaelis-Menten and Monod kinetic models
- Integral and differential analysis of kinetic data
- Mass transfer in catalytic reactors
- Mass transfer, mass transfer combined with reaction, resistance in series model, mass transfer in rate equations, pore diffusion limitation, effectiveness factors
- Application of core concepts to the design of example reactor types:bubble columns, air-lift, fixed bed, fluidised bed, membrane reactors
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 15%
- Exam: 70%
- Other: 15%
ENGR371: Energy Conversion
- Terms Taught: Lent/Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Level 2 engineering or equivalent.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the physics, chemistry and engineering of common energy conversion processes; conventional thermal power generation (coal, oil, open-cycle and combined cycle gas turbines); and the ability to analyse system efficiency and CO2 emissions of different schemes. You will also study direct conversion including solar photovoltaic devices and fuel cells.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to discuss and deduce numerically, the efficiency of a variety of energy conversion processes.
Outline Syllabus
- Chemical conversion in combustion,
- Photovoltaics,
- Nuclear fission and fusion,
- Ethanol distillation,
- Steam power plants,
- Fuel cells.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR407: Group Project
- Terms Taught: Full Year Only
- US Credits: 12 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 22.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.
Course Description
Students are provided with the opportunity to experience live projects over a significant period of time, working in multidisciplinary groups and in a team project environment. They will bring specialist knowledge from their own degree disciplines for the benefit of developing a multidisciplinary solution to the project being undertaken.
The group projects are typically developed in partnership with industry collaborators or, are based on research activity within the engineering department. This ensures that they are at the cutting edge of research and/or have an industrial focus.
Students will develop the ability to critically analyse and evaluate a project brief, providing input based on their individual degree specialisation such as nuclear, mechanical or mechatronics. Students will implement a project management system for documenting and tracking, the system will require agreement of time constrained deliverables that can be changed over time. They will also create a fully justified design brief for a product, process or service that is underpinned by specialist knowledge, and takes account of a critical engineering analysis of the topic under consideration.
Additionally, students will produce a working prototype, product or process that takes account of and incorporates subject specific knowledge and is consistent with the commercial drivers of industrial stakeholders. They will also demonstrate the ability to collect, store, analyse and recall large sets of data or results that can be interpreted by all members of the multidisciplinary group. Finally, an understanding of issues such as health and safety, risk, ethics, environment, National/European/International standards and other regulatory frameworks that are subject specific will be developed and must be adhered to.
Educational Aims
This module aims to:
- Provide students with the opportunity to experience live projects over a significant period of time, working in multidisciplinary groups and in a team project environment. Students will bring specialist knowledge from their own degree disciplines for the benefit of developing a multidisciplinary solution to the project being undertaken.
- Develop students’ ability to analyse engineering problems in a multidisciplinary team environment, create and design solutions to meet ‘real-world’ engineering needs, think and argue critically, and plan and organise their work.
Outline Syllabus
The Group Projects are typically developed in partnership with industry collaborators or based on research activity within the Engineering Department, ensuring that they are at the cutting edge of research and or industrially-focussed requirements.
Groups, usually of 4-6 students (or larger for the Formula Student team) are multidisciplinary in their constitution, with students from all MEng degree programmes coming together to develop a solution against a pre-defined brief. Outputs often include the design, development, manufacture, analysis and testing of a product, process or significant piece of equipment that can be deployed in real-life scenarios.
Support is provided by a small team of academic staff (usually a primary supervisor with the input of others in specialist areas) and technicians who will provide advice and guidance for the fabrication of components and parts as required. Sufficient budget is allocated, based on input from academic supervisors, to ensure that projects should be successful in their outcome.
Students are assessed through the submission of a consolidated report (dissertation) which will also identify their individual input to the project (both in technical and non-technical roles) and responsibilities for project delivery and by presentations at different stages of the project.
Assessment Proportions
ENGR411: Advanced CAD/CAM
- Terms Taught: Lent Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.
Prior experience in CAD and FEA, Mechanical Design.
Course Description
This module aims to extend students’ experience of a range of industrially relevant computer based engineering tools including computer aided design (CAD), finite element analysis (FEA), computer aided manufacture (CAM) and product data management (PDM). With this experience, students will be able to critically analyse the tools and techniques available and competently apply them to real engineering scenarios. The impetus and development of the tools will be discussed as will their future directions. Students will gain practical experience with these tools and will be given the opportunity to apply their experience and knowledge to real world engineering problems.
The module will enhance students’ ability to critically evaluate mechanical designs using finite element analysis, and they will use their understanding of solid mechanics to devise appropriate FEA methodologies and assess the validity of their analysis. Additionally, students will create designs that can be reliably realised using computer aided manufacturing methodologies. They will also gain a comprehensive understanding of the use of product data management and be able to judge when it is to be used over alternative methods. Finally, students will develop solutions to meet real world engineering needs and will learn analysis and manufacturing strategies, all whilst making competent engineering decisions based on evidence.
Educational Aims
This module aims also to give students practical knowledge and experience of a wide range of design, simulation and management tools as required to operate successfully in an industrial environment. The module also aims to develop the student's ability to critically evaluate engineering problems and the various possible strategies to solve them and so generate solutions that meet 'real world' engineering needs.
Outline Syllabus
- CAD - 3D representations in CAD, solid and surface modelling, comparisons with 2D methods.
- Practical finite element analysis of mechanical designs using ANSYS, involving development of strategies for analysis and validation and verification.
- Practical exercises using CAE packages investigating 3 and 5 axis machine types, 3D tool-path generation, surface finish issues, job planning, fixtures and tool types.
- Introduction and practical sessions on Product Data Management.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR421: Rapid Product Development and Additive Manufacturing
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.Prior knowledge of mechanical design and manufacturing.
Course Description
Manufacturing is a key component of engineering. The ability to design and manufacture, high quality, high value products, with short lead times, is essential for industries to be competitive in the modern "digital" age. This module will introduce the context of new product introduction and examine the technologies available to both shorten total lead times and increase confidence in the product. It will study, in detail, a range of rapid product development tools and technologies including specific process principles and engineering applications.
Educational Aims
Manufacturing is a key component of engineering. The ability to design and manufacture, high quality, high value products, with short lead times, is essential for industries to be competitive in the modern "digital" age. This module will introduce the context of new product introduction and examine the technologies available to both shorten total lead times and increase confidence in the product. It will study, in detail, a range of rapid product development tools and technologies including specific process principles and engineering applications.
Outline Syllabus
The module will introduce the context of new product introduction, examine the technologies available to both shorten total lead times and increase confidence in the product. It will also discuss factors influencing the correct choice of technologies. The module will study, in detail, a range of rapid product development tools and technologies including specific process principles and engineering applications.
Topics covered include:
- Concurrent Engineering
- Prototyping
- Rapid Prototyping
- Rapid Tooling
- Additive Manufacturing
- Reverse Engineering
- Virtual Prototyping
- Responsive Manufacturing
Assessment Proportions
- Case Study: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR429: Electrical Power Systems Analysis & Modelling
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 2 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: College level mathematics and science. This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.
Course Description
This course teaches about the complex structure of energy systems and places them in their physical, economic and environmental dimensions. The objective of the course is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of complex energy systems, their control and modelling.
The course splits into two large themes:
- Big-picture modelling of energy transitions and their sociotechnical, political and economic implications
- Detailed engineering modelling of modern power systems, both off-grid and on-grid, and their optimal operation and network configurations
Educational Aims
By the end of this course, students should:
- Be able to identify past energy transitions and describe their dynamics
- Be able to describe the key driving characteristics of past and current energy transitions
- Be able to model the technoeconomics of mircorgrids using specialised software
- Be able to model the power flow in grids using specialised software
- Develop an understanding of scientific principles of energy return on energy investment
- Develop an understanding of scientific principles and methodology of voltage and reactive power control, load flow, power system optimal dispatch and control of generation
Outline Syllabus
- Historical Energy Transitions
- Energy Resources and Society
- Energy Economics
- 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios
- Microgrid design principles
- Grid design & control
- Power flow analysis
- Network topologies
- Grid modelling
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 30%
- Exam: 70%
ENGR490: Advanced reaction engineering
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.Prior knowledge of chemical reactor design
Course Description
This module offers advanced depth of reaction engineering fundamentals along with new developments on novel tools and techniques that go beyond "traditional" chemical engineering, leading to compact, safe, energy-efficient, and environment-friendly sustainable processes. Students expand on previous chemical engineering principles of reactor development gained in chemical reactor fundamentals by introducing realistic aspects of design of catalytic multiphase reactors through systematic and computational methods, process intensification and energy integration methods.
Educational Aims
The module aims to support students to:
- Develop detailed skills in an important area of chemical engineering
- Expand knowledge on catalytic systems from catalyst design to their use in reactor systems.
- Enable analysis of data and application to sustainable chemical reactor design under industrially relevant operating conditions, including deactivation of catalytic systems, multiphase flow, heat integration and green processing
- Experience interdisciplinary approach to solving specialty of engineering and science case studies
- Understand how their design of reactors comply with economic constraints, health and safety and environmental regulations
- Enhance problem solving skills in reactor design and analysis
- Apply knowledge to real-world situations
Outline Syllabus
Introduction to catalyst synthesis
- 1.1 Preparation methods.
- 1.2. Analysis method.
- 1.3. Case of studies
Engineering for catalytic reactors
- 2.1 Review of catalytic reactor design, computational methods for reactor analysis.
- 2.2 Catalyst deactivation, design for catalyst deactivation
Optimisation of catalytic reaction
- 3.1 Generation of PDE’s for process modelling.
- 3.2 Use of MATLAB, EXCEL and CFD for the analysis of reactor performance and optimization.
Multiphase reactors
- 4.1 Introduction, application of multiphase reactors in industry.
- 4.2 Mass transfer in multiphase reactors, reactor types.
- 4.3 Design considerations for multiphase reactors.
Process intensification and integration
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 40%
- Exam: 60%
ENGR501: Design and Modelling of Systems
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.
- Open mind and a willingness to think.
Course Description
This module deals with the concept of systems and systems design; requirements capture and structured methods of functional decomposition; functional modelling; and creative thinking tools.
Educational Aims
The module aims to educate students in the importance of a structured approach to system and product design. It will cover a design approach from the use requirements capture to detailing which will require the student to develop skills in mathematical modelling.
Outline Syllabus
- The concept of systems and systems design.
- Requirements capture and structured methods of functional decomposition.
- Functional modelling.
- Creative thinking tools.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 20%
- Exam: 80%
ENGR502: Advanced Embedded Systems
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Experience of undergraduate digital electronics and programming
Course Description
KL025Z board with ARM Cortex M0+ family of micro-controllers and supporting hardware and software. Several practical exercises for the understanding of the relevant function of the processors and one major application of the MCU for a control task.
Educational Aims
This module aims to:
- Give students hands-on experience in interfacing microcontrollers to signals and motor drives, and writing programs to achieve specific objectives in Assembler and in C++.
- Develop expertise in C++ and Assembler programming for the Cortex family. The ARM Cortex M0+ microcontroller is an advanced and modern device of the ARM family of microcontrollers and has sold in billions of units worldwide. These are fundamental underlying skills for modern microcontroller systems in general.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 80%
- Exam: 20%
ENGR503: Renewable Energy
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.
- Trigonometry, aerodynamics, hydraulics, statistics and calculus, and elements of physics, including principle of energy conservation, kinematics and dynamics of particle motion in non-inertial reference frames.
Course Description
Students will gain an appreciation of energy needs and uses in the modern world, and the possibilities and limitations of using renewable sources to meet these needs. Topics covered will include: Introduction to Renewable Energy; Wind Energy; Tidal Energy; and Hydropower.
Educational Aims
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the fundamentals of a range of sources of renewable energy and means of its conversion into useful forms, and to highlight technical, economical, environmental and ethical issues associated with the exploitation of renewable energy sources. The course focuses particularly on most aspects of wind-, tidal- and hydro-power, but many of the discussed principles are applicable to most other renewable energy forms.
Students will gain an appreciation of the possibilities and limitations of utilising renewable energy sources to meet everyday energy needs. Additionally, they will become familiar with engineering models and general technologies for the formulation and solution of several multidisciplinary problems of renewable energy engineering. The discussion of realistic engineering problems will allow students to be exposed to technologies presently used in the Research and Development Departments of modern Renewable Energy industry.
Outline Syllabus
Assessment Proportions
ENGR504: Mechanics and Actuators
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.
- Prior experience in structures, dynamics and materials. Mathematics.
Course Description
The module aims to educate students in the importance of the mechanism and mechanical design requirements for products and systems. The module will cover the mechanics of robotic manipulators, their use in manufacturing and their programming. The students will also be educated to understand actuator operating principles and an approach to their selection.
Educational Aims
This module aims to:
- Enable students to identify, understand and set out the mechanism and mechanical design requirements for products and, in particular, actuators.
- Introduce a range of interesting engineering products and systems and the generic techniques for analysing them.
Outline Syllabus
Topics to be covered include:
- Concepts of precision location and guidance of moving parts, design with flexural elements, kinematic design, and causes of errors in machine systems.
- Types of actuator (hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, piezoelectric and magnetostrictive), actuator operating principles, selection procedure and actuator developments, dynamics of real systems (including dynamic modelling of mechanical systems, dynamic responses in time-domain, dynamic responses in frequency domain, system analysis vs. vibration analysis).
- Geometry kinematics (including vector and complex notation, sliding contacts), motion path analysis, robot arm geometry, robot arm kinematics, and robot arm load analysis, multibody dynamics, 3D dynamics of rigid body, and the use of visual dynamics software.
When possible, the lectures will be supported with an industrial site visit where various practical actuators are being used to deal with different tasks and processes.
Assessment Proportions
ENGR506: Intelligent System Control
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Students taking this module are expected to be able to confidently manipulate algebraic expressions, vectors and matrices, including scalar and vector products.
- This is an upper-level course; extensive Engineering experience is required. If interested, please contact the Study Abroad Office for more details.
Course Description
This module introduces students to the design and application of intelligent control systems, with a focus on modern algorithmic, computer-aided design methods. Starting from the well-known proportional-integral algorithm, essential concepts such as digital and optimal control are introduced using straightforward algebra and block diagrams. The module addresses the needs of students across the engineering discipline who would like to advance their knowledge of automatic control and optimisation, with practical worked-examples from robotics, industrial process control and environmental systems, among other areas. This module also introduces students to statistical modelling concepts that are rather different to classical engineering model development based on physical equations. These methods have wide ranging application for control, signal processing, and forecasting, with applications beyond engineering into medicine, economics, environment sciences, and so on.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will:
- Understand various hierarchical architectures of intelligent control;
- Be able to analyse and design discrete-time models and digital control systems;
- Be able to design optimal model-based control systems;
- Identify mathematical models from engineering data;
- Design and evaluate system performance;
- Be able to use statistical tools for the analysis of data;
- Be able to use modern computational aids for the design of control systems;
- Appreciate cutting-edge research developments in these areas;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the control objectives and practical constraints, and be able to suggest design solutions for a range of case study examples.
Outline Syllabus
- Intelligent control
- Hierarchical control architectures
- Reviews of classical and modern control
- Digital control systems
- State-space design
- System identification, with fully worked practical examples from across the engineering discipline.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 80%
- Exam: 20%
ENGR524: Microengineering
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Level 2 electronics
Course Description
This module addresses various topics concerning smart systems. Students will explore the principles of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and microfluidics in the context of system-on-chip and system-in-package technology, using optical and fluidic elements. Essentially, students will develop an understanding of scaling laws fabrication processes, metrology and inspection, in addition to specific technical information including the design of micro mechanics and bio-MEMS, packaging and integration technologies, microfluidics and embedded test strategies.
Practical sessions will explore the COMSOL based design of a fluidic system, in addition to electrostatic switch and microfluidic particles, Microfluidic technologies and bio-sensing will be introduced through lectures and core practical classes, with case studies and examples sourced from previous European projects, partners and assembly processes, to ensure an industrial focus.
On completion of this module, students will understand the use of nanocharacterisation tools and will be able to discuss various micro and nanofabrication tools available for making devices, equipped with a working knowledge of the fundamentals of microelectronics and their scaling laws in electrical, mechanics and assembly fields.
Educational Aims
This module aims to provide the primary educational resource around More than Moore technologies including intelligent Micro-Mechatronic and Bio-Fluidic Systems. It addresses core Engineering Science around fabrication processes and assembly technology in both silicon and polymers, together with the materials technology and metrology needed to work at the sub 100nm scale. Scaling laws will be covered for multiple energy domain systems and the behaviour of mechanics, primarily in silicon based technologies will be considered. Microfluidic technologies and bio-sensing will be introduced through both lectures and a core practical class. Case studies and examples will be sourced from previous European projects, partners and assembly processes to ensure an industrial focus.
Outline Syllabus
- Scaling laws, fabrication processes, top-down, bottom up, metrology and inspection, design of micromechanics, bioMEMS, packaging and integration technologies, micro fluidics, embedded test strategies, markets for smart systems, applications and readout electronics.
- Practical work involving COMSOL based design of a fluidic system, a electrostatic switch and microfluidic practicals (mixing, separation).
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 70%
- Exam: 30%